Healthy New Jersey

Healthy Community Planning

About HCP-NJ

The Hub provides NJ communities with critical municipal health and environmental data to help them plan and promote a safe and healthy environment.


Learn the environmental public health terms you need to know to better understand your town's data.


Answers to frequently asked questions concerning HCP-NJ.

A snapshot of your municipality's environmental public health

Each report contains a Community Data Summary table that provides health and environmental data for your municipality with county and state comparisons to help identify priorities for improvement.

Tap or click on a county to get started

Map of NJ with clickable regions sussex county passaic county bergen county hudson county essex county morris county warren county union county somerset county hunterdon county middlesex county monmouth county mercer county ocean county burlington county atlantic county camden county gloucester county salem county cumberland county cape may county
Logo : DEP Logo : DOH Logo : NJ TRACKING

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