Department of Military and Veterans Affairs

Administration Save NJ Vets

Construction & Facilities Management Office

Mission Statement

The mission of the Construction and Facilities Management Office is to provide planning, design, construction, supervision, maintenance and repair for NJDMAVA properties and facilities IAW applicable Federal and State laws, regulations and codes to enhance the living and working conditions for the state's Veterans and the New Jersey National Guard.


COL Viviene McNamara currently serves as the Construction Facilities and Management Officer. In this role she provides state-of-the-art, community based, installations and training sites that, by virtue of their geographical dispersion, can be leveraged by the Army and the State; and that facilitate communications, operations, training, and equipment sustainment to support the deployment of required forces and other assigned State and Federal missions.



Facilities Management Bureau

Provides planning and administration and management of facility programs related to Systems Operations, Maintenance Real Estate and Supporting Accounts for the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMAVA).

Sam Del Pidio
FMB Chief

Real Property Management Bureau

Reports both State and Federal Real Property assets, improvements as well as State equipment and furniture assets; generate revenue through the Armory Leasing program; secure and maintain leases, license and permits as necessary to support DMAVA operations; report State construction in progress; prepare carpet purchase request necessary to support Army National Guard operations; prepare furniture and equipment purchases made through the State procurement process necessary to support Army National Guard operations; provide equipment and furniture repair assistance; and provide customer service support for relocations.

Through an active community relations program, the New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMAVA) strives to be a good neighbor and community partner. As a result, many of the facilities maintained by DMAVA are available for public use. Learn more at Use of Facilities.

Paul Rumberger
RPB Chief
609 530-6992

Business Management Bureau

The purpose of the Business Management Bureau is the administration of design and construction procurement for the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMAVA). The Business Management Bureau ensures fair and open procurement, contract compliance, contract negotiation and timely payments for Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMAVA) design and construction projects.

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Michael Rhodes
BMB Chief

Construction Management Bureau

Administer design, construct, and related project documents for the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMAVA). The purpose of the Office of Construction Management is to ensure quality assurance, scope of work and code compliance, and overall supervision of Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMAVA) construction projects.

Paul Greenberg
CMB Chief

Environmental Management Bureau

Administers and manage environmental policies and programs for the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMAVA) and implement the environmental protection and enhancement strategies outlined in Army Regulation 200-1. The National Guard’s commitment to excellence in environmental stewardship is supported by the following four environmental pillars: Compliance, Pollution Prevention, Conservation, Restoration. Learn More

Abbie Zorn
EMB Chief (Acting)

Planning & Programming Bureau

Responsible for the development, maintenance, and updates to the Real Property Development Plan which identifies the Adjutant General’s goals and objectives for development and operation of the State and its supported installations and the major work to be done to real property to ensure continued mission performance. It serves as a framework for allocating available sustainment, restoration, and modernization resources (SRM) and to support requested military construction (MILCON) projects.  Additionally, the PPB prepares both quarterly and annual Installation Status Report (ISR), a status of all New Jersey Army National Guard's service program​s and installation conditions.  Finally, the PPB is responsible for Energy Management, tasked with identifying and implementing efficiencies that reduce energy waste, increase operational effectiveness, and implement State and DoD energy and resilience policies.

Brian Holderness
PPB Chief

Resource Management Bureau

Reports both State and Federal Real Property assets, improvements as well as State equipment and furniture assets; generate revenue through the Armory Leasing program; secure and maintain leases, license and permits as necessary to support DMAVA operations; report State construction in progress; prepare carpet purchase request necessary to support Army National Guard operations; prepare furniture and equipment purchases made through the State procurement process necessary to support Army National Guard operations; provide equipment and furniture repair assistance; and provide customer service support for relocations.

Kevin Meyer
RMB Chief

Last Updated: 09/09/2024
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