TAG Policy Letters
The Adjutant General Policy Letters (TPL) are material of significant importance or special interest to the TAG and provide broad policy guidance for the Department, NJARNG, NJANG and Veterans Affairs offices. The applicability of the TPL is determined by the distribution symbol or by specific addressees. The letters shall be effective until superseded, rescinded or re-promulgated by a subsequent TPL.
TAG Memoradums
TAG Memorandums contain policies, procedures and administrative instructions of a continuing nature of special interest to The Adjutant General (TAG) that are applicable to the internal operation of the Department. Information contained in a TAG memorandum is temporary and expires two years from date of issue.
Departmental Directives
Departmental Directives are the primary publication used in governing the activities of the Department. The directives contain policies, procedures and administrative instructions which are permanent in nature and which are promulgated and coordinated at the directorate level or above.
Departmental Bulletins
Departmental Bulletins are utilized to provide short and narrative information of a general nature Department-wide on a timely basis. Information contained in a bulletin is temporary and expires two years from the date of issue.
Joint Bulletins
Joint Bulletins contain information related to events, actions or missions that pertain to both the New Jersey Army National Guard and the New Jersey Air National Guard. Information contained in a bulletin is temporary and expires two years from the date of issue. The Office of the Chief of the Joint Staff will publish all Joint Bulletins.
Army Bulletins
Army Bulletins contain information related to events, actions or missions that pertain to the New Jersey Army National Guard (NJARNG). Army Bulletins are numbered sequentially each calendar year. Information contained in a bulletin is temporary and expires two years from the date of issue. The Office of the CoS-Army will publish all NJARNG bulletins.
Veterans Bulletins
Veterans Bulletins are utilized to provide short and narrative information to employees within veterans' facilities and offices. Information contained in a veterans' bulletin is temporary and expires two years from the date of issue.
Air Bulletins
Air Bulletins contain information related to events, actions or missions that pertain to the New Jersey Air National Guard (NJANG). Information contained in a bulletin is temporary and expires two years from the date of issue. The Office of the CoSAir will publish all NJANG bulletins.
State General Orders
State General Orders contain information of general interest and are of a permanent or semipermanent nature.
Office of Administrative Law
Under certain circumstances a departmental publication may affect the public or a segment thereof, the Director, ASD may propose a publication to the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) for legal review on behalf of the Department.
Reference: Departmental Directive No. 300