Department of Military and Veterans Affairs

New Jersey National Guard Save NJ Vets

Classification & Position Management

Classification Definitions

Position Classification:

The process of determining the appropriate pay plan, title, series, and grade of a position in accordance with prevailing laws, standards, and guides.

Position Management:

The process of assuring that work is organized and assigned among positions in a manner which will serve mission needs efficiently and economically.

Position Description (PD):

A PD describes principal duties, responsibilities, and supervisory relationships of a position to provide information necessary for its proper classification. (Also sometimes called a "Job Description".)

Request Hierarchy Assistance User Guide

Classification Links

  • Classifier Hand Book - The purpose of this hand book is to provide guidance that will result in a consistent and standardized operation of the state level Position Management and Classification Program.  This guide is a compilation of information from OPM Operating Manuals, regulations and guidance; Code of Federal Regulations (CFRs); U.S. Codes; National Guard Bureau (NGB) Technician Personnel Regulations (TPRs) and NGB guidance.

  • Classification and Position Management No. 511 - This TPR defines the NGB Classification and Position Management Program. It establishes policy, delegates authority, assigns responsibilities and prescribes procedures for all classification and position management actions effecting National Guard General Schedule (GS) and Federal Wage System (FWS) technicians and technician positions.

  • Federal Wage System (FWS) Job Standards -

  • General Schedule (GS) Job Standards -


Last Updated: 11/19/2020
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