- WDB Chair and WDB Director Contacts [pdf 174kb]
The Local Workforce Development Boards (WDBs) in New Jersey play a crucial role in enhancing the state's global competitiveness by developing a skilled workforce. Here are the key points about their function and structure:
Roles and Responsibilities
- Leadership and Oversight: WDBs act like Boards of Directors for their respective local areas, identifying job market needs, leveraging resources, overseeing One-Stop Career Centers, and directing workforce investment programs.
- Collaboration: They work with economic development and related organizations to promote economic growth and maximize workforce utilization.
- Service Integration: WDBs are responsible for integrating publicly funded workforce services and job training programs into a cohesive, flexible, and responsive system.
- Strategic Planning: Based on local community needs, WDBs define a vision, mission, and goals, establishing the local one-stop service delivery system to serve various groups including unemployed job seekers, businesses, incumbent workers, and young people entering the workforce.
Historical Context
- Executive Order #36 (1996): Established workforce investment boards in New Jersey.
- Workforce Investment Act of 1998: Mandated the creation of these boards across all states and U.S. territories.
- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA): Renamed these boards as Workforce Development Boards (WDBs).
Governance and Membership
- Certification and Appointment: The Governor of New Jersey certifies the local WDBs, while local elected officials appoint WDB members.
- Membership Composition: A majority of the board members must be private business representatives. Other required members include representatives from organized labor, community-based organizations, education, human services, and other relevant sectors.
Regional Collaboration
Given that labor markets often extend beyond county lines, WDBs in contiguous areas collaborate to facilitate regional initiatives, ensuring a more comprehensive approach to workforce development.
Strategic Goals
The strategic plans of WDBs aim to create a seamless service delivery system that is accountable and responsive to the needs of both workers and businesses, thereby contributing to the overall economic growth and competitiveness of New Jersey.