Felicia Grant, Chair
Elizabeth A. Mattson, 1st Vice Chair
Carol Ann Herbert, 2nd Vice Chair
Sharon Burton Turner
Ofelia Garcia
Lana Gold Walder
Joyce C. Goore
Jeremy Grunin
Gina Hulings
Dolores A. Kirk
Ruth Lipper
Kevin M. O'Brien
Dr. Michael Penna
Vivian Scott Chew
ex officio members
Lieutenant Governor Tahesha Way, Secretary of State
Senator Holly T. Schepisi
Assemblyman James J. Kennedy
Contact The NJ State Council
on the Arts
Mailing Address:
NJ State Council on the Arts
P.O. Box 306
Trenton, NJ 08625-0306
Office Address:
225 West State Street, 4th Floor
Trenton, NJ 08608
Tel: (609) 292-6130
NJ Relay: 711
Email: Feedback@sos.nj.gov

New Jersey State Council on the Arts
In 1966, the legislature passed and the governor signed a law creating the NJ State Council on the Arts and directing us to do all that is necessary and appropriate to: support, encourage, and foster public interest in the arts; enlarge public and private resources devoted to the arts; promote freedom of expression in the arts; and facilitate the inclusion of art in every public building in New Jersey.
More about the Arts Council
FY25 Council Public Meeting Dates
Investment Supports Largest Artist Fellowship Cohort in Council History
The NJ Department of Environmental Protection and the NJ State Council on the Arts are announcing a funding opportunity for NJ organizations - the 2025 Community-based Art Grant Program to raise awareness and start a conversation about flooding related to climate change in our coastal areas through art installations.
Registration for Making It Public - a free professional development series - is now open. Other opportunities for NJ artists include the New Jersey Arts Annual call for art, The Business of Being an Artist professional development series, and the Teaching Artist Community of Practice.
The Creative Aging Initiative Grant provides $10,000 to eligible arts organizations, libraries, veterans homes, senior and community centers, colleges/universities, and units of government to cover costs for arts learning experiences with New Jersey older adults aged 55 and over.
Join New Jersey State Council on the Arts, Nonprofit Finance Fund, and other nonprofit leaders for a free Webinar Watch Party series on key financial management concepts for arts nonprofits.
Find your County Arts Agency contact.
Photo Credits: AC Jimenez/Appel Farm Arts & Music Center; Seward Johnson, La Promenade, 1999, Photo by David W. Steele/Grounds For Sculpture; NJ Youth Theatre