Department of Transportation

Requests for Proposal (RFPs)

NOTE: Due to P.L. 2019, c. 196, the New Jersey Department of Transportation cannot award research grants to PRIVATE and/or OUT OF STATE institutes of higher education.

RFP specific questions and answers are provided by request and posted in the RFP chart.

  • Click here E-mail RFP question(s)
  • E-mail is the preferred method of answering RFP questions and will expedite processing the request and posting the response.
  • Specify "RFP Number xxxx question" in subject line.
  • If e-mail access is unavailable, please contact the Bureau of Research at 609.963.2242.
  • Questions will be accepted up to two weeks prior to the proposal closing date.
  • Please note that all RFP submissions must be accompanied by an online PreAward Risk Assessment form found under the Guidelines, Formats and Forms menu tab.
Listing for Requests for Proposal
RFP Number Posting Date Project Description
(PDF sizes from 26k to 247k unless otherwise noted)
Requested Pre-bid Meeting Closing Date
2024-02 08/27/2024 Intelligent Transportation Systems Resource Center (ITS-RC)

2024-01 06/17/2024 Evaluation of Alternative (Non-Crude Oil Based) Diesel Fuel for NJ Transit Locomotives and Over-the-Road Buses

2023-04 06/02/2023 Best Practices in Transit Customer Satisfaction Surveys

2023-03 06/01/2023 Weight-In-Motion (WIM) Analysis for New Jersey Bridges for establishing various live load models for design and bridge management tasks.

2023-02 06/01/2023 Identifying Travel Needs for South Jersey and Shore Customers

Questions and Answers 7/11/2023
2023-01 03/27/2023 New Jersey Test Sites for Allelopathic Plants in Unmaintained Sites Along the Roadway

Questions and Answers 5/30/2023
2022-13 09/29/2022 Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP) Grant Management Support

2022-12 09/12/2022 NJDOT Safe Routes to School Support Program

2022-11 09/12/2022 NJDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center

2022-10 09/08/2022 New Jersey Trail Crossing Design Guidebook

2022-09 08/29/2022 Extend Service Life of Concrete Bridge Decks with Internal Curing

2022-08 08/29/2022 Improving Resilience of New Jersey Transportation Infrastructure from Hurricane Damage

2022-06 08/25/2022 NJDOT Multi-Hazard Design of Highway Bridges

2022-05 08/25/2022 NJDOT Corrosion Study on Steel Structural Members

Questions and Answers 10/13/2022
2022-04 08/25/2022 Evaluation of NJDOT Hardened Traffic Paint Markings and Stripes Performance

2022-03 08/18/2022 NJ Transit – Comprehensive Market Segmentation Study

Reference Documents:
2022-02 04/21/2022 Access Link Appointment Times Adoption Study

Reference Documents:
2022-01 08/18/2022 Understanding How Marginalized Genders Travel Using NJ Transit

Reference Documents:
2021-03 12/20/2021 Transit Usage Impacts of NJ Transit-Oriented Developments (TODs)   02/11/2022
2021-02 10/08/2021 2022 National Summer Transportation Institute (NSTI) Proposal Announcement

Reference Documents:
2021-01 08/23/2021 Fatigue Resistance of Connection Details for Highway Support Structure   10/05/2021
2020-10 12/17/2020 Technology Transfer and Implementation Program   01/27/2021
2020-09 12/10/2020 NJDOT Bridge Resource Program (BRP)   01/25/2021
2020-08 09/17/2020 2021 National Summer Transportation Institute (NSTI) Proposal Announcement

Reference Documents:
2020-07 08/31/2020 Safe Routes to School Support Program (can exceed the required 10 page limit)   10/14/2020
2020-06 08/31/2020 Bicycle and Pedestrian Resource Center (can exceed the required 10 page limit)   10/14/2020
2020-05 08/25/2020 NJDOT Pavement Support Program RFP2020-05 Q&A's

2020-Basic AgreementTemplate
2020-04 06/29/2020 New Jersey Local Technical Assistance Program   08/10/2020
2020-03 06/15/2020 Intelligent Transportation Systems Resource Center   07/29/2020
2020-02 05/27/2020 NJDOT Bureau of Research Library Services   07/06/2020
2020-01 01/07/2020 Newark Light Rail Origin-Destination and Intermodal Choice Study   02/16/2020
2019-06 11/18/2019 NJ Transit Grade Crossing Safety   12/27/2019
2019-05 10/11/2019 Understanding the Needs of Current and Potential Bus Transit Riders   11/25/2019
2019-04 04/18/2019 2019 National Summer Transportation Institute (NSTI) Proposal Announcement

Reference Documents:
2019-03 02/01/2019 Marketing Research for the Quantifiable Benefits of Transit in New Jersey   03/15/2019
2019-02 01/03/2019 Evaluation of Coefficients Related to Runoff from Roadway Projects   02/12/2019
2019-01 01/02/2019 21st Century Transportation Research Library   02/11/2019
2018-09 11/21/2018 Understanding the Transportation Mobility Needs for an Aging New Jersey Population   01/04/2019

New Jersey Department of Transportation Headquarters
Main Office Building
2nd Floor, Conference Room 2800
1035 Parkway Avenue
Trenton, New Jersey

Last updated date: August 27, 2024 8:42 AM