Department of Transportation

Mobility and Systems Engineering

The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) maintains an inventory of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) devices. Select from the dropdown menus below to view these devices by Device Category, Route and County. Choose any one or a combination of dropdown menus.

  • The Fiber Optic Markout Request form must be submitted prior to performing any work along state roads having fiber optic installations, and is recommended for those locations with conduit reserved for future fiber installations. ITS related facilities maintained by other offices may not be included in the above inventory. Information on weigh-in-motion systems and speed/traffic counters should be directed to Data Development. Contact the Winter Operations about weather stations and anti-icing.

  • Executed As-Built Inventory Report forms shall be submitted to ITS Engineering by the contractor of each project having any ITS related work performed in the respective project.

Last updated date: January 24, 2020 1:46 PM