Department of Transportation

Database Search

The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) maintains a database of new technologies and products that were submitted by manufacturers, vendors and suppliers for review and evaluation.


This database is not the NJDOT QUALIFIED PRODUCTS LIST (QPL)

This database contains New Technology Evaluation related information on products that have been evaluated by the
New Technologies and Products Unit.

There are three options to search the database:
  1. Search by Category
  2. Search by Product Name
  3. View the Entire Database
  4. View the Entire Database - Sorted by NTP Number
If you have questions please contact the New Technologies and Products Office.

NTP Database Status Code Legend
Status Explanation
Active Evaluation is presently ongoing.
BDC1 Baseline Document Change (specification development) phase - NTP Evaluation is complete. The product met the performance requirements of the NJDOT through a demonstration project(s) and has moved to specification development phase.
BDC2 Baseline Document Change (specification development) has been issued and is under review by NJDOT and FHWA.
Closed Evaluation was discontinued. Contact NTP Office for more information.
Demo1 Actively being monitored in a demonstration project.
Demo2 Demonstration project has been identified but has not yet been constructed.
Demo3 Product has qualified for a demonstration project but a suitable project has not yet been identified.
ES Product is covered by existing NJDOT standard specification. Contact the Bureau of Materials Engineering & Testing for information on how to obtain approval through compliance with existing specifications.
JS A formal evaluation has concluded that the product does not qualify as a standard item for routine use but may be considered on a job by job basis when specifically requested by the project designer, contractor or local community within the project limits.
MA Product was referred to Office of Operations & Maintenance for evaluation.
NA1 Product not accepted due to failure to perform in demonstration testing.
NA2 Product does not comply with NJDOT physical and/or performance requirements.
NC Product did not address a critical need of the department and therefore did not qualify for a formal evaluation.

Last updated date: February 5, 2020 2:49 PM