NJBPU and Utilities' Response to COVID-19
In response to the pandemic, the utility companies adhered to several customer protection provisions enacted by Executive Order, legislation and the Board’s orders to ensure all residential utility customers had access to utility service during the pandemic. Customers were made aware of all utility grant programs and were offered payment plans for their overdue utility balances. Additionally, the Board opened up its Universal Service Fund (USF), a benefit program for gas and electric customers, to moderate income families and provided a pathway to arrearage forgiveness for all USF customers through its Fresh Start program. These program expansions, which included expanded benefits, higher income limits and extended arrearage forgiveness opportunities will expire on September 30, 2023. The Board strongly encourages all income eligible customers in arrears to take advantage of the USF program while covid-related program expansions are still available. Please learn more about New Jersey’s utility assistance programs available to water, sewer, gas, electric and deliverable fuel customers on our
Assistance Page. In addition to applying for assistance please contact your utility company and if you cannot pay your bill in full, request a payment arrangement. Customers can contact their company at the number on their bill or find the numbers
here and should ask about available payment plans. If customers are in danger of shut off or have been disconnected, they can contact NJ BPU Division of Customer Assistance at 800-624-0241 or file a complaint online at:
Public Utility Arrearages
Electric and Gas Arrearages Summary as of February, 2023 (PDF)
Water and Sewer Arrearages Summary as of February, 2023 (PDF)
P.L. 2022 c. 107 - January and February 2023 Raw Data, (ZIP)
COVID 19 Energy and Water September - December 2022 Raw Data, (ZIP)
In addition, 2020 collection reports for the individual Electric Distribution Companies (EDC) and Gas Distribution Companies (GDC) are available via NJBPU's Public Document Search tool.
Utility Company Issues
If you’re experiencing a utility service shutoff or have another issue with your utility,
contact the company first. If your utility company doesn’t resolve your issue, contact our Customer Assistance team by filling out
this online form. You can also call (800) 624-0241. You will be prompted to leave a voicemail, and a member of our Customer Assistance team will return your call.
Food Assistance
Residents who need food assistance can apply for the NJ Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (NJ SNAP) online at
www.NJHelps.org. Details on enhanced NJ SNAP benefits during the COVID-19 crisis can be found
here, and more information is on the
New Jersey COVID-19 Information Hub.
Utility Scam Awareness
Instances of fraud spike during a crisis, but you can protect yourself. Be on the lookout for scammers posing as government officials or utility representatives and threatening service interruptions. When in doubt,
call your utility company or NJBPU’s
Customer Assistance team to report any suspicious activity.
New Jersey COVID-19 Resources
Download New Jersey's
COVID Alert NJ exposure notification app, a free and secure mobile app that anonymously alerts users if they have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. Add your phone to the fight. Help protect yourself and your family while ensuring your privacy.
For resources and updates about New Jersey’s response to COVID-19, visit the COVID-19 Information Hub.
New Jersey also has a COVID-19 Hotline staffed by trained healthcare professionals who are standing by to answer your questions, 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week:
- Visit nj.gov/health
- Call: 2-1-1
- Call toll-free: 1-800-962-1253
- Text: NJCOVID to 898-211