Frequently Requested Data
- Medicinal Cannabis Program Participation (as of 11/15/2024)
- Total patients: 68,077
- Caregivers: 4,598
- Doctors: 1,562
- Month to Month Patient Numbers
- Cannabis Sales Totals
- Applicant Demographic Data
- Recreational Cannabis Applicants - Benchmark Data
- License Awards Totals (as of the October 17, 2024 public meeting)
- Conditionals: 1,524
- Cultivation: 351
- Manufacturing: 243
- Wholesaler: 15
- Distributer: 11
- Retail: 876
- Delivery: 28
- Microbusinesses: 594
- Conditional-to-Annual Conversions: 395
- Cultivation: 96
- Manufacturing: 77
- Retail: 221
- Delivery: 1
- Microbusinesses: 126
- Annual: 220
- Cultivation: 42
- Manufacturing: 41
- Wholesaler: 2
- Distributor: 3
- Retail: 123
- Delivery: 1
- Testing Labs: 8
- Microbusinesses: 25
- Conditionals: 1,524
- Public documents from the 2018 and 2019 RFAs
Annual and Biennial Reports
Additional Reports
- Recommendations to Legislature for Social Equity Excise Fee Investments - May 2024
- Recommendations to Legislature for Social Equity Excise Fee Investments - February 2023
- Recommendations to Legislature for Social Equity Excise Fee Investments - June 2022
- Executive Order 6 Report - March 2018 (Executive Order 6)