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Official Site of the state of New Jersey

James T. Plousis, Chairman

Chairman Plousis is a veteran public service and law enforcement professional well known for his leadership skills. He was sworn in as the eighth chairman of the Commission on December 26, 2017. He has reinvigorated the Commission’s vision as a “key partner and catalyst in promoting the general welfare, health, and prosperity of New Jersey,” and has continued his strong track record of identifying and implementing efficiencies.

Plousis has presided over a number of casino licensing hearings as chairman. Additionally, he has hosted delegations from other jurisdictions throughout the United States and internationally, including high level officials from Japan in 2023. Plousis often refers to the New Jersey gaming regulatory structure as the “gold standard” for the industry.

Plousis is committed to the state’s efforts to revitalize Atlantic City. He expanded the Commission’s participation in the community, helping to increase awareness of the many non-profit groups working to improve life in the city. As an ex-officio member of the Casino Reinvestment Development Authority, he took initiative to promote cooperation in the regional tourism industry through outreach to the business community.

He works with veteran groups to develop opportunities that link unemployed veterans with job opportunities in the casino industry. He also assists the Department of Corrections, the State Parole Board, and the New Jersey Judiciary with their shared goal to increase employer awareness of the many advantages of employing rehabilitated, trained, and skilled workers who have successfully exited the criminal justice system.

His vast experience includes serving as the chairman for the State Parole Board, as United States Marshal for New Jersey, and as sheriff of Cape May County for six terms. He coordinated two of the largest Fugitive Safe Surrender Programs in the nation and was the U.S. Marshals Service Liaison for New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina.

As chairman of the State Parole Board, Plousis partnered with government, non-profit, and private agencies to connect ex-prisoners with vocational, mental health, and other key services. He also spearheaded efforts to address the needs of veterans in the criminal justice system.

Plousis serves on the Advisory Board of the Lloyd D. Levenson Institute of Gaming, Hospitality and Tourism at Stockton University. He is an active volunteer for several organizations, including Hand to Hand for Haiti. He is a graduate of Slippery Rock University and Rutgers University’s Public Manager Program.