Division of Agency Services

Scott Nance, Director

Division of Agency Services is the primary point of customer service contact for human resource matters for all State and local civil service departments/agencies/jurisdictions, employees, and applicants. Responsibilities of the division include:  Providing civil service related guidance to State and local appointing authorities and employees; issuing and posting job announcements to the Civil Service Commission’s (CSC’s) website; determining applicant eligibility for job announcements; job/position classification, classification and compensation studies, and the administration of reductions in force.

The Division encompasses the following offices and units:

Customer Service Teams

Teams of Human Resource Consultants provide guidance, technical assistance, and consultative services on wide-ranging civil service matters to over 30 State agencies and over 400 local jurisdictions. Additional responsibilities of the teams include job/position classification, including position review requests (desk, telephone, and paper audits), reclassification requests, and layoff administration.

Office of Classification and Compensation

This office is responsible for the creation and maintenance of the State and local government job classification plan, policies, and title rights. The office develops, modifies, and maintains all job specifications, and performs classification studies. On the Compensation side, the unit performs compensation studies, market analyses, and job evaluations/reevaluations.

Announcement and Application Processing Units

The open-competitive and promotional announcement units are responsible for the creation and posting of all State and local government job announcements to the CSC’s website. The units also post job announcements for non-competitive and unclassified positions at the request of appointing authorities, as a courtesy. Also managed by the units is the initial processing of examination applications, including reconciliation of application processing fees. 

Eligibility Determination Unit

Teams of this unit determine eligibility of those who apply for open-competitive and promotional job announcements by evaluating the education and experience (and/or class codes, titles, and unit scopes) submitted on job applications, against the requirements listed on job announcements. The unit also conducts pre-appointment evaluations and issues determinations on qualifying examinations.


Contact Us

Division of Agency Services
Civil Service Commission  
44 South Clinton Avenue   
Trenton, New Jersey
Phone:  (609) 690-8119
Fax:  (609) 777-0905
Mailing Address:
Division of Agency Services
Civil Service Commission
P.O. Box 313
Trenton, New Jersey  08625-0313
Scott Nance
Director of Agency Services
Phone: 609-690-8119

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