
The New Jersey LMS is a simple-to-use, cloud-based learning development hub powered by SABA. It provides NJ State and local agencies, and their specialized programs an individualized space for administering and monitoring all training activities.

Learners will immediately gain round-the-clock access to the system's training tools and courses.  In addition to the mandatory training available on the LMS, agencies or individuals can choose to upgrade their membership by subscribing to the CLIP All Access Pass and unlock hundreds of Open Sesame courses designed to help them rapidly grow and adapt to meet new challenges head-on. 

Both state and local agencies can avail themselves of all that the LMS platform has to offer, including options for administering information to non-state employees through the creation of a Specialized Program Domain. With the NJ LMS, meeting learning and development goals has never been easier!

An annual fee is charged to cover the costs of licensing, maintaining, and supporting the LMS. New members can join at any time. Special LMS platform and CLIP All Access bundles are available to smaller agencies. LMS renewal licenses run from July 1st to June 30th each year.

Benefits of the LMS

- Access to NJ-mandated policies/trainings   - Reporting & analytics
- Built-in CLIP course registration approval process   - Course assignment settings
- Agency-specific catalog options   - On-demand learning resources
- Learner dashboard and transcripts   - CLIP support
- Limited number of Free CLIP All-Access Passes   - Printable certificates of completion

Click here to see more of what is available through the LMS.

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