Help Us – Help You...Prevent Wildfire!
One of the most widely recognized and longest standing symbols of wildfire prevention, Smokey Bear has been promoting the message “Only You Can Prevent Wildfire” since 1944. As New Jersey becomes increasingly more developed, the incidence of wildfires increases. Approximately ninety-nine percent of all New Jersey wildfires are human caused, either accidentally or intentionally. So, Smokey’s message still remains a critical element of the Forest Fire Service’s wildfire prevention message today. To learn more about Smokey Bear and for tips and tools about wildfire prevention, visit Smokey Bear's website.
The best way to protect against a wildfire is stop it before it starts. The Forest Fire Service conducts over 350 wildfire prevention programs annually that reach an audience of almost 400,000 people. In addition, our goal is to conduct 20,000 acres of prescribed burning annually. Further, we are exploring new and innovative techniques, such as mowing and thinning as means to reduce fuels in areas that prescribed burning cannot be used.
The Forest Fire Service has a long history of wildfire protection and prevention in New Jersey. Formed in 1906, we are one of the oldest state agencies in existence today. Our efforts are done in an attempt to keep New Jersey residents safe from wildfire and to carryout our mission of “Protecting Lives, Property and Natural Resources.”
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Watch: Smokey Bear Challenge - New Jersey Forest Fire Service
The New Jersey Forest Fire Service celebrated Smokey Bear's 75th birthday by taking part in the nationwide Smokey Bear Challenge, in which states challenge one another to produce a video promoting Smokey Bear’s milestone 75th birthday. The video is set to the song “Nostalgic” by New Jersey band A R I Z O N A and shows Smokey at home, reminiscing about his life and firefighting activities around the state.