New Jersey Department of Education

Excellent Educators for New Jersey (EE4NJ) Pilot Program: Teacher Effectiveness Eval. Cohort 2, Version B, Group 2

Division: Teacher and Leader Effectiveness
Office: Evaluation


View Published NGO Document (Microsoft Word)

Purpose: Excellent Educators for New Jersey (EE4NJ) Pilot Program grants will be awarded to local educational agencies (LEAs) that will serve as Pilot districts to implement the new state requirements for a robust teacher evaluation system during the 2012-2013 school year. In accordance with the New Jersey Educator Effectiveness Task Force recommendations, these requirements include the following: Annual teacher evaluations based on standards of effective teacher practices and clear expectations; every teacher, regardless of experience, deserves meaningful feedback on teaching performance on an annual basis; Multiple measures of teacher performance and student performance, with student academic progress or growth as a key measure; A summative rating that combines the scores of all the measures of teaching practice and student achievement; Four summative rating categories that clearly differentiate levels of performance; and A link from the evaluation to providing professional development opportunities that meet the needs of educators at all levels of practice. Districts will ensure comprehensive training of all educators involved with the new evaluation system, and will provide regular feedback to the NJDOE on pilot progress. Districts will need to follow specific implementation requirements, but they will also be given the flexibility to develop some elements of their own within the parameters provided. Eligibility is limited to those LEAs that are Title I LEAs with 100 percent of their schools receiving Title I funds and having schoolwide status as approved by NJDOE. The limited-competitive project year is October 15, 2012 � September 30, 2013. Reissuance of the NGO was contingent on the announcement of the winners from the EE4NJ Cohorts 2A and 2B competitions.

Eligible Agencies: LEAs that are Title I LEAs with 100 percent schools receiving Title I funds

Approximate Number of Awards: 10 Grant Program Type: Competitive
Total Amt. Available: $1,028,210 Application Due Date: 8/30/2012

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