New Jersey Department of Education

2013 NGOs

Grant Title Eligibility Application
Due Date
CTE: Provisional Teacher Pilot Program Year 4 Brookdale Community College 8/8/2013
CTEP: Transportation, Distribution and Global Logistics- Year 5 Extension Raritan Valley County College 7/18/2013
New Jersey Charter Schools Grant Program-Expansion 1-FY 14 Bergen Arts and Science CS, Vineland Public CS, Ethical Community CS, University Heights CS, and Pace CS of Hamilton 7/18/2013
CTEP: Business, Management and Adminstration, and Finance Year 4/4 Mercer County Community College 7/11/2013
CTEP: Human Services-Year 4/4 Camden County College 7/11/2013
CTEP: Marketing-Year 4/4 Middlesex County College 7/11/2013
Using Formative Assessments to Improve Teaching and Learning-Year 1/2 Partnerships that include an IHE and its unit/division that prepares teachers and principals; a school of the arts and sciences and a high need LEA 6/27/2013
CTSO Grant Program: Skills USA-Year 1/4 Public Secondary Schools and 2 and 4 year Institutions of higher education 6/20/2013
CTSO: Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA) Year 1/4 Public Secondary Schools, 2 and 4 year Institutions of Higher Education 6/20/2013
CTSO: Technology Student Association (TSA) Year 1/4 Public Secondary Schools, 2 and 4 year Institutions of Higher Education 6/20/2013
Stewart B. McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program Year 2/3 Agencies Awarded in Year 1 6/14/2013
New Jersey School Improvement Renewal Grant for SIG/Cohort 2-Year 3/3 Agencies funded in years 1 and 2 6/12/2013
21st Century Community Learning Centers Program-Year 1/5 NJ Public/Private agencies, LEAs, nonprofit org., city or county gov agencies, faith-based org, Institutions or highter ed and for-profit agencies 5/14/2013
21st Century Community Learning Centers Program - Training and Technical Assistance Continuation Application Prior year grantees 5/8/2013
21st Century Community Learning Centers Program-Continuation-Cohorts 6, 7, 7a and 8 currently-funded agencies who were awarded in competitive year one of the program 5/6/2013
Improving Achievement in English Language Arts and Mathematics for Students with Disabilities LEAs 5/2/2013
Common Core Academy Inst of Higher Ed (IHE) and LEA partnerships 4/18/2013
Mathematics and Science Partnership Program-Year 1/3 IHEs in Partnership with LEAs that have 1 or more Priority, Focus, or Title I Schools 4/18/2013
Charter School Grant Program - Planning FY 13 - Group 2 Charters receiving a planning year for 2012/13 that have not received previous Charter School or non-SEA funds. 1/15/2013
Migrant Education Program Year 5/5 Essex Co Ed Services Comm and Gloucester Co Special Services Comm 12/5/2012
Charter School Grant Program Planning FY 13 Charters that have been granted a planning Year for 2012-13 and have not received prior Charter School Planning Funds 10/30/2012
Career Equity Resource Center Grant-Year 2/4 Rutgers University 9/12/2012
Charter Schools Grant Program-Implementation I-Year 1/3 NJ Approval in July 2012 or 2011 9/12/2012
Excellent Educators for New Jersey (EE4NJ) Pilot Program: Teacher Effectiveness Eval. Cohort2, Version B, Group 2 Title I LEAs 8/30/2012
New Jersey Green Program of Study - Year 3/4 Essex Co. Vocational School 8/29/2012
CTEP Grant: Business, Management and Administration and Finance Mercer County Community College 8/6/2012

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