CTE: Provisional Teacher Pilot Program Year 4
Division: Student and Field Services
Office: Career and Technical Education
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Purpose: The Career and Technical Education Provisional Teacher Pilot program is a three year pilot program that will offer a curriculum to meet the specific educational needs of CTE provisional teacher candidates. Only CTE provisional teacher candidates will be enrolled in the pilot program. The pilot program is designed to ensure that 'individuals entering the CTE alternate route program are adequately prepared, knowledgeable, and skilled teachers in the wide range of CTE program areas offered in New Jersey. The program will also assist the NJDOE in fulfilling a goal of the federal Carl D. Perkins Career and Technology Improvement Act of 2006.' The outcome of the pilot program will be the improvement of the preparation of individuals entering the secondary CTE teaching profession through New Jersey's alternate route teacher program. As a result, CTE teacher recruitment and retention rates will increase and, importantly, CTE student performance will increase. The Career and Technical Education Provisional Teacher Pilot program is a continuation grant, awarded in the first year to Brookdale Community College. This NGO covers a fourth year extension to the original three-year grant cycle, in order to complete the multi-year scope of work. Based on the availability of state and federal resources, this fourth year of the grant program will begin October 1, 2013 and end September 30, 2014.
Eligible Agencies: Brookdale Community College
Approximate Number of Awards: 1 | Grant Program Type: Continuation |
Total Amt. Available: $195,000 | Application Due Date: 8/8/2013 |