New Jersey Department of Education

CTEP: Human Services-Year 4/4

Division: Student and Field Services
Office: Career and Technical Education


View Published NGO Document (Microsoft Word)

Purpose: The Career and Technical Education Partnership (CTEP) grant is a comprehensive statewide initiative to address implementation of all 16 career clusters and related Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs). This NGO will focus on the systemic statewide planning and implementation of activities related to the career and technical education (CTE) programs in Human Services, specifically, Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA). The CTEP priorities over the next four years include: identification and/or development of resources and sample curriculum to assist New Jersey secondary school districts and postsecondary CTE program in developing quality CTE programs of study; to create a statewide model for at least one new CTE program of study; delivery of high-quality professional development for secondary school districts and/or postsecondary CTE programs; and administration and leadership of FCCLA to ensure activities are aligned to NJCCCS and industry standards. The CTEP program is a continuation grant awarded in the first year to Camden County College. This NGO covers the fourth year of a four-year grant cycle. Based on the availability of state and federal resources, this fourth year of the grant program will begin September 1, 2013 and end on August 31, 2014.

Eligible Agencies: Camden County College

Approximate Number of Awards: 1 Grant Program Type: Continuation
Total Amt. Available: $309,600 Application Due Date: 7/11/2013

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