Computer Science for All: Implementing the 2020 Computer Science Student Learning Standards-Year 2
Division: Teaching and Learning
Office: Innovation
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The purpose of the Computer Science (CS) for All: Implementing the 2020 Computer Science Student Learning Standards, Year Two is to provide professional learning, resources, and technical assistance to New Jersey schools and Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to implement the 2020 New Jersey Computer Science Student Learning Standards (NJSLS-CS) and to expand access to equitable high-quality, standards-based computer science education for all K-12 students.
The grantees will further develop and implement the programs established in year one to achieve the following goals:
- Establish a statewide network of professional learning to support K-12 schools and LEAs in implementing the NJSLS-CS.
- Increase the number and diversity of K-12 educators well-prepared to teach high-quality, standards-based CS.
- Expand equitable access to high-quality, standards-based CS education for all K–12 students.
- Identify, review, refine and create resources to assist educators in schools and LEAs in aligning curricula and instruction with the NJSLS-CS.
- Provide professional learning and technical assistance to educators in K-12 schools and LEAs aligned with the NJSLS-CS.
The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) has established a two-year grant program. This year two continuation grant program is open to Montclair State University, and Fairleigh Dickinson
University, the applicants selected through a competitive process in year one. Eligible applicants may apply for up to $333,330.
Based on the availability of FY23 state appropriations, this second year of this two-year grant program will begin April 1, 2023 and will end on March 31, 2024.
Eligible Agencies: Montclair State University and Fairleigh Dickinson University
Approximate Number of Awards: 2 Grant Program Type: Continuation
Total Amt. Available:$666,660 Application Due Date: 3/9/2023