Maximizing Post-School Outcomes for Students with Disabilities-Competitive


Division: Educational Services

Office:  Special Education

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The intent of the Maximizing Post-School Outcomes for Students with Disabilities grant program is to promote positive post-school outcomes for students with disabilities through the county special services school districts and local education agencies’ implementation of model practices and program components. Under this grant program, funded county special services school districts (CSSSDs) that have students with disabilities enrolled, will have the opportunity to create or improve a successful program for students with disabilities aged 18 to 21 by partnering with local school districts and other entities and implementing transition-focused services within the student’s local community, based on each student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP). Program service options will include, but are not limited to the following:

    • Person-centered planning;
    • Community-based instruction;
    • Enrollment in approved CTE programs;
    • Work-Based Learning in integrated community settings;
    • Participation in adult education classes;
    • Using public transportation and other forms of transportation that can continue to be used after high school graduation;
    • Participation in recreational activities with peers without disabilities; and
    • Facilitating linkages between students and other service agencies such as the New Jersey Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities.

Each CSSSD must serve a minimum of 10 students with disabilities between the ages of 18-21 under this grant program and is strongly encouraged to work in partnership with participating students’ Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and other entities that serve students with disabilities. Each applicant may apply for up to $71,428 for each participating student, up to a maximum of $1,428,560 (for 20 students) for the full 24-month project period.

The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) has established a single twenty-four (24) month project period grant program. This grant program is open to the seven (7) New Jersey County Special Services School Districts (CSSSDs) that have students with disabilities enrolled.

Each applicant may apply for up to $71,428 for each participating student, up to a maximum of $1,428,560 (for 20 students) for the full 24-month project period. Based on the availability of federal Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds, this grant program will begin June 1, 2024 and will end on May 31, 2026.


Eligible Agencies: County Special Services School District

Grant Type: Competitive 

Number of Award(s) Anticipated:

Total Amt. Available: $10,000,000

Application Due Date: 3/26/2024

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