New Jersey Department of Education

Expanding Access to Climate Change and NJ Student Learning Through Climate Change Learning Collaborative-Competitive

Division: Teaching and Learning Services

Office:  Assistant Commissioner

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Awardee List (Microsoft Word)


The focus of the Expanding Access to Climate Change Education and the New Jersey Student Learning Standards through Climate Change Learning Collaboratives NGO is to deepen understanding and implementation of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS) supporting Climate Change Education. This may include climate change-specific topics as well as the effort to make students more aware of their relationship to the environment and the varied influences of climate across disciplines and at the local, state, national, and global levels.

The overarching goals and expectations of this grant program are to:

  1. Establish a statewide network to support local education agencies (LEAs) in implementing climate change education initiatives through the creation of regional (northern, central, southern) Climate Change Learning Collaboratives (CCLCs) at New Jersey institutes of higher education (IHEs), with the support of community-based nonprofit organizations (CBOs) engaged in place-based environmental education in each region.
  2. Increase the number and content-area diversity of K-12 educators prepared to teach high quality, standards-aligned climate change education.

The regional CCLCs will increase the knowledge and skillset of New Jersey’s educators by providing professional development, technical assistance, and experiential learning opportunities. The CCLCs will guide educators in developing and identifying high quality instructional materials that are locally focused and culturally responsive, implement program evaluation strategies, and foster the opportunity for educators to collaborate and innovate with neighboring LEAs.

The New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) has established a single 12- month project period grant program. This grant program is open to two-year and four-year New Jersey-based IHEs with approved Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing or Certificate of Eligibility teacher preparation programs.

Applicants may apply for up to $325,000. Based on the availability of FY24 state funding, this grant program will begin April 1, 2024 and will end on March 31, 2025.


Eligible Agencies: 2 year and 4 year NJ Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) with teacher preparation programs

Grant Type: Competitive

Number of Award(s) Anticipated: 6

Application Due Date: 2/13/2024

Total Amount Available: $1,950,000

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