Expanding Access to Computer Science High School Courses-Competitive

Division: Teaching and Learning Services

Office: Innovation

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The overarching goal of the Expanding Access to Computer Science High School Courses program is to expand high school students' access to high-quality, standards-based computer science education. A second goal is to expand high school students' opportunities to participate in high-quality advanced computer science courses. To achieve these goals, the grant program provides funding directly to local education agencies (LEAs) to develop and implement one or more new high-quality computer science education courses aligned with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards in Computer Science (NJSLS-CS). The new courses developed must be available for student enrollment in the 2026-2027 academic year.

This grant program is open to the following categories of LEA:

  • LEAs with one or more high schools that currently teach a computer science course may apply for up to $41,500 to develop and implement one or more new advanced computer science courses that meet one of the following criteria:

1. The course is a College Board approved Advanced Placement Computer Science A course.

2. The course is a College Board approved Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles course.

3. The course is a course in Cybersecurity or Artificial Intelligence (AI).

4. The course is eligible for credit in computer science through an articulation agreement with a postsecondary institution.

  • LEAs with one or more high schools that do not currently teach a computer science course may apply for up to $32,000 to develop and implement one or more new introductory computer science courses, building the high school's capacity to offer advanced computer science courses in subsequent years.

19 awards will be made. 16 awards of up to $41,500 will be made to LEAs developing and implementing a new advanced computer science course. 3 awards of up to $32,000 will be made to LEAs who have not previously had a computer science course for developing and implementing a new introductory computer science course.

This is a single 18 month grant program.

Based on the availability of FY25 State appropriations, this 18-month grant program will begin May 1, 2025, and end on October 31, 2026.


Eligible Agencies: LEAs

Grant Type: Competitive

Number of Award(s) Anticipated: 19

Application Due Date: 1/15/2025

Total Amount Available: $760,000

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