New Jersey Student Health Survey Reports
The survey reports may be downloaded and reproduced without restriction.
The NJDOE was unable to obtain the number of student responses needed to reach the 60% response rate required by the CDC to be able to weight the data to be representative of the New Jersey high school student population. National results are available on the CDC website.
The NJDOE was unable to obtain the number of student responses needed to reach the 60% response rate required by CDC to be able to weight the data to be representative of the New Jersey high school student population.
- Full Report (822 kb PDF)
- Summary (2.6 mb PDF)
- Comparison Between New Jersey Students and U.S. Students 2011 YRBS (73 kb PDF)
- Full Report (2.4 mb PDF)
- Summary (1.3 mb PDF)
- Full Report (4.1 mb PDF)
- Summary (2.5 mb PDF)
- Appendix A: 2007 New Jersey - U.S. Comparison Fact Sheet (87 kb PDF)
- Full Report (1.1 mb PDF)
- Summary (667 kb PDF)
CDC Data Tables from Survey
- Middle School Students (
- High School Students (
Percentages shown for middle school students in the tables and charts may differ from percentages shown in the “Summary” or “Full Report”. Because response rates for the Middle School Survey did not meet the 60% threshold set by CDC, percentages in the tables and charts produced by CDC are presented in their unweighted form. However, a weighting procedure using statewide demographic data of the middle school population (with regard to grade, race, ethnicity and gender) was used to adjust the percentages subsequently reported in the “Summary” and “Full Report”.
- Full Report (1.6 mb PDF)
- Summary (283 kb PDF)
- Full Report (1.4 mb PDF)
- Summary(540 kb PDF)
Shown below are links to two brochures that summarize findings of the 1999 New Jersey Youth Risk Behavior Survey among high school students in the state's 30 Abbott Districts and among the remaining public high schools across the state respectively. These summaries may be downloaded and reproduced.
- 1999 New Jersey Youth Risk Behavior Survey
Part I: Abbott District Schools - 1999 New Jersey Youth Risk Behavior Survey
Part II: Non-Abbott District Schools