Department of Military and Veterans Affairs

Family Programs Office Save NJ Vets

Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program

The Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program (YRRP) was established by the National Defense Authorization Act 0f 2008, Section 582, which required the National Guard and Reserve Forces to establish a national combat veteran reintegration program.  The goal of the YRRP is to provide Service Members, their Families, and Supporters with sufficient information, services, referrals, and proactive outreach opportunities throughout the entire deployment cycle. We endeavor to have the DoD Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program (YRRP) provide support and communications to each service member of the New Jersey National Guard, regardless of service affiliation as well as maintaining an open door to other branches.

When it comes to the deployment phase, we strive to be there from beginning to end, from dusk to dawn, through smiles and frowns. The intent of the program is to prepare National Guard, Reserve Members, and their families for deployment; sustain their families during deployment; and reintegrate Service Members with their families, communities, and employers upon release from active duty in various fun-filled ways.

YRRP helps Service Members and their Families navigate the numerous Department of Defense (DoD), Veterans Affairs, and state systems to ensure they receive information and assistance regarding all the skills, benefits and entitlements via an interactive, integrating experience. The full scope of the Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program is beyond an easily presentable list. 

For more information, contact the YRRP Coordinator.

The Deployment Cycle


Pre-Alert/Pre-Deployment Phase

Pre-Alert/Pre-Deployment is defined as the period from first notification of mobilization until deployment.

During this period the focus is on education and ensuring the readiness, of service members and their families, for all aspects of deployment that include emotional, financial, organizational, and benefits entitlements.

Deployment Phase

The period of time from actual deployment to arrival at the demobilization station inside the continental United States.

Training and Information to educate service members and families on available resources.

Coordination with Employer Support for the Guard and Reserve Office, Transition Assistance Advisor, and State Family Programs Director.

Demobilization/Reconstitution Phase

The period is from arrival at the demobilization station to departure to home station.

Initial reintegration/reconstitution activities begin, focusing on addressing the challenges and stress that may be experienced by service members and their families.

Connect service members with service providers.

Post-Deployment/Reintegration Phase

The Post-Deployment/Reintegration Phase is the period from arrival at home station until 180 days following deployment.

Focus is on reconnecting service members, their families and communities, and providing resources necessary for successful reintegration.

Last Updated: 09/06/2022
Military Onesource Transition Assistance Advisor Survivor Outreach Services Yellow Ribbon

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