Office of the Inspector General - New Jersey National Guard
Mission Statement
The modern Inspector General (IG) is an extension of the eyes, ears, voice and conscience of the Commander. The Command Inspector General (CIG) is a confidential representative and member of the personal staff of The Adjutant General (TAG). The IG assesses and reports as the TAG directs on matters affecting mission performance and the state of economy, efficiency, discipline, morale, esprit de corps, and readiness of the New Jersey National Guard.
The IG is an honest broker and a consummate fact finder. The IG may administer oaths, receive and process requests for assistance, and conduct inquiries, investigations, and inspections. The IG's area of interest includes every phase of activity of the command. Commanders or activity heads will provide all practicable aid and assistance necessary to facilitate IG inquiries, investigations, and inspections.
The traditional IG role is to be "the eyes and ears of the Commander". The TAG has given the Command Inspector General five tasks:
- To keep The TAG fully apprised of what is going on to the best of his ability.
- To be the conscience of the Commander, but not the policy maker. To see if we are living up to the rules that have been made for us or that we have made for ourselves.
- To collect and disseminate good ideas throughout the command. We must exchange innovative ideas more fully within our organizational framework.
- To be systems oriented in the inspection process and in all problem solving. Address causes rather than symptoms, refine current policy guidance, and incorporate unit problems into NJARNG and/or NJANG problems rather than isolate them. This will emphasize making lasting corrections at the proper level and prevent a significant waste of time and resources.
- To be particularly sensitive to issues affecting retention.
State IG Requests
All Soldiers and Airmen have the right to request assistance or present complaints to the Command Inspector General.
Before contacting the Command Inspector General, you should consider whether your concerns can be addressed more quickly and simply by referring them to your chain of command first. You do not have to present your concerns to your chain of command before contacting the Inspector General. However, you must obtain permission to be absent from your duties if you wish to visit the Command Inspector General during your duty hours. You do not have to tell anyone why you want to visit the Command Inspector General.
Please complete a DA Form 1559 (NJARNG) or DAF Form 102 (NJANG) and return to the IG office at
Be specific as to what you would like the CIG to do for you and as much background and supporting documentation as necessary. When received, we will initiate the IG action process and update you accordingly.
Alternate Resources
If you believe the Command Inspector General's response to you is not fair, incomplete, or not in accordance with law and regulation; or if you believe your interests may be jeopardized by visting your local Inspector General, you may write to:
NGB-IG, Chief National Guard Bureau
2500 Army Pentagon
Washington, DC 20310-2500
You may also call the Department of the Army Inspector General (DAIG), Department of the Air Force Inspector General (DAFIG), Department of Defense Inspector General (IGDOD) hotline. Their telephone numbers are:
DAIG: 703-695-1501 / 1-800-752-9747
DAFIG: 1-800-538-8429
IG DOD: (703) 604-8300 / 8543
General Information
Department of the Army and Air Force personnel are prohibited from taking any action that restricts you from filing a complaint, seeking assistance, or cooperating with the Inspector General. They are also prohibited from taking any disciplinary or adverse action against you for filing a complaint, seeking assistance, or cooperating with the Inspector General.
However, if you lie or knowingly make false accusations to the Inspector General, you are subject to disciplinary action.