WDB Certification Policy

The SETC Policy Resolution #2020-02 WDB Certification Process outlines the current process for local workforce development board (WDB) certification in New Jersey, as required by WIOA (Section 107 - Local Workforce Development Boards) and the New Jersey Rule on WDB Certification (N.J.A.C. 12:42-4).  The WDB Certification process is conducted every two years under these requirements. 


WDB Certifications 2020-2022

The WDB Certification policy, process and guidance documents were reviewed with local workforce area staff on December 3, 2020.

2020 WDB Certification Process and Resources

The following documents are provided for the 2020 WDB Certification process:

The updated SETC Policy #2015-01 Local WDB Membership and Appointments [pdf 185kb] provides an outline of the WDB membership requirements and appointments process, in compliance with the federal WIOA law of 2014 and its associated regulations.

The SETC Policy #2016-14 OSCC Certification Process and Checklist [pdf 234kb] provides guidance to local WDBs to certify the One-Stop Career Centers in their workforce areas. 


USDOL Resources for Evaluation Activities

Additional information has been shared by USDOL-Employment and Training Administration (ETA) regarding workforce-related research and evaluation activities.