State and Federal Legislation
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NJ Workforce Law

NJSA 34-15C SETC and Local WIBs [pdf 167kb]

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is a significant piece of federal legislation designed to strengthen and improve the public workforce system and help get Americans, including youth and those with significant barriers to employment, into high-quality jobs and careers. Here are the key aspects of WIOA:


  • Enactment: WIOA was signed into law on July 22, 2014, replacing the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998.
  • Purpose: The act aims to increase access to and opportunities for employment, education, training, and support services, particularly for individuals with barriers to employment.

Core Principles

  1. Unified Planning: State and local plans are to be aligned to create a unified and integrated workforce development system.
  2. Performance Accountability: WIOA establishes common performance accountability measures for core programs to assess the effectiveness of state and local areas in achieving positive outcomes for individuals served by these programs.
  3. Collaboration: Encourages collaboration between workforce development, education, and economic development agencies and entities.
  4. Sector Strategies and Career Pathways: Promotes the use of sector strategies and career pathways to address the needs of job seekers and employers more effectively.
  5. Employer Engagement: Strengthens the role of employers in workforce development activities to ensure that training programs are aligned with the skills needed by businesses.

Key Provisions

  1. Local Workforce Development Boards (WDBs):
    • Role: WDBs are responsible for the oversight of workforce development programs and services in their local areas.
    • Membership: Must be business-led and include representatives from labor organizations, community-based organizations, education, and other stakeholders.
  2. One-Stop Career Centers:
    • Integration: WIOA mandates the integration of services through One-Stop Career Centers, which offer a range of employment and training services in a single location.
    • Accessibility: Centers must be easily accessible and provide comprehensive services to job seekers and employers.
  3. Youth Services:
    • Focus on Out-of-School Youth: At least 75% of youth funds must be spent on out-of-school youth.
    • Program Elements: Programs must include work experience, such as internships and on-the-job training, as a key component.
  4. Adult and Dislocated Worker Services:
    • Career Services: Includes job search assistance, career counseling, and labor market information.
    • Training Services: Provides access to training programs that lead to recognized postsecondary credentials.
  5. Adult Education and Literacy:
    • Alignment with Workforce Development: Adult education and literacy programs must be aligned with workforce development activities to improve the skills of the workforce.
  6. Performance Accountability:
    • Common Measures: Establishes common performance measures for core programs, including employment rates, earnings, credential attainment, and skill gains.
    • Reporting: Requires state and local areas to report performance outcomes to ensure transparency and accountability.


  • Formula Grants: Funds are distributed to states and local areas through formula grants based on factors such as unemployment rates and poverty levels.
  • Competitive Grants: WIOA also provides for competitive grants to fund innovative workforce development programs and initiatives.


  • State Plans: States must submit a unified or combined state plan outlining how they will implement WIOA requirements and achieve the desired outcomes.
  • Local Plans: Local WDBs must develop and submit local plans that align with the state plan and address the specific needs of their communities.


WIOA aims to create a more job-driven workforce system by emphasizing the alignment of workforce development programs with the needs of employers and job seekers. It seeks to improve employment outcomes and increase economic opportunity for all Americans.