Department of Transportation

Outdoor Advertising ePermits


The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) issues permits for the placement of outdoor advertising signs along all roads and highways in New Jersey. These signs do not include on-premise signs, official signs or for sale or rent signs. An outdoor advertising license is required if the sign is used to advertise something other than the business of the permit holder. Permit and license application forms are available online. Contact us for more information.

Outdoor Advertising e-Permitting is a web-based, GIS-enabled application developed to manage, track, and document all aspects of Outdoor Advertising (ODA) activities. It is designed to automate the management of ODA requirements for NJDOT while ensuring compliance with the Federal Highway Beautification Act (HBA), as well as state and local regulations. The Outdoor Advertising e-Permitting system maintains highway advertising sign inventory records, including sign data, location coordinates, and photo documentation; identifies compliance status; generates and issues permits, tracks permit renewals, enables online fee transactions. Outdoor Advertising e-Permitting offers secured, tiered access to contractors and consultants, email ticklers notifying appropriate team members of pending or missed milestones, and robust reporting capabilities for oversight and compliance with federal and state regulations and ordinances.

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ODA ePermitting customer portal   
    • ePermit ePermiting System (Live)
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    •       ODA Application Forms (paper based)
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Customer Account Setup

Description: Customer sets up a new account in the Customer Portal.

  1. Go to the Customer Portal website login screen and click on the <Create an Account> button.
  2. Enter the account registration details and clicks <Submit>.
  3. An email is sent to NJDOT to notify them that an account request has been submitted.
  4. The NJDOT reviews and approves the new account.
  5. Upon approval, an email is sent to the customer providing a password.
  6. Log into the ODA Customer Portal with the new credentials.
  7. Click ‘Account’ at the top right corner of the screen to view or edit User Profile and Company Profile (primary contact only).

Application Submittal Workflow

Description: Customer submits a permit application

  1. Click <Submit Application>.
  2. From the Application Selection Dashboard, click <Permit Application>.
  3. The applicant information is shown as read-only and cannot be changed on this screen.  This can be changed in the Account-Company Profile option and return to this screen if a change needs to be made.
  4. For the Location Information, click the <Maps> button and the GIS viewer will open:
    1. Follow the instructions on the GIS screen to locate the desired permit location. Clicking the location on the map will run a ‘conformance check’ to determine if the location follows permitting rules.
    2. The County, Municipality, Route, Block, Lot, Latitude and Longitude will all be populated in the application screen after clicking the <Submit> button and then the <Return to Application> button.
  5. Enter the remaining details and upload/attach the required attachments.
  6. Complete the Acknowledgment by <checking> the two checkboxes.
  7. Complete the Signature section and click the <Complete Payment> button or the <Save for Later> button
    1. If the <Complete Payment> button is clicked, the system verifies the information and saves the permit information
      1. . The system opens the payment portal and the customer enters the payment information. Once payment is complete, the application is submitted.
      2. The system displays the Application Submitted Success screen and provides the application number to the customer.
      3. An email is sent to the customer confirming that the application has been submitted and will include the Application # and a copy of the application document.
      4. An email is sent to NJDOT to inform them that an application has been submitted.
      5. Click the <Return to Dashboard> button to go to the dashboard.
      6. Click on <Applications History> to view the newly submitted permit and to see status updates.
      7. Click on <Payment Activity> to view the submitted payment.
    2. If the <Save for Later> button is clicked, the applicant, permit, and location information data that was previously entered will be saved and the application can be completed later, as described below. The application can be saved at any time and does not necessitate all required fields to be completed.
    3. To access a saved application,
      1. return to the dashboard screen and click on <Action Items>.
      2. Locate the application to be completed and click the <Complete Item> button.
      3. The application screen will open and the previously entered data will be populated, except for attachments and the acknowledgment.
      4. Follow the steps above to complete the application.

License Application Submittal Workflow

Description: Customer submits a permit application

  1. Click <Submit Application>.
  2. From the Application Selection Dashboard, click <License Application>.
  3. The applicant information is shown as read-only and cannot be changed on this screen.  This can be changed in the Account-Company Profile option and return to this screen if a change needs to be made.
  4. Complete the Acknowledgment by <checking> the two checkboxes.
  5. Complete the Signature section and click the <Complete Payment> button or the <Save for Later> button
    1. If the <Complete Payment> button is clicked, the system verifies the information and saves the permit information
      1. . The system opens the payment portal and the customer enters the payment information. Once payment is complete, the application is submitted.
      2. The system displays the Application Submitted Success screen and provides the application number to the customer.
      3. An email is sent to the customer confirming that the application has been submitted and will include the Application # and a copy of the application document.
      4. An email is sent to NJDOT to inform them that an application has been submitted.
      5. Click the <Return to Dashboard> button to go to the dashboard.
      6. Click on <Applications History> to view the newly submitted permit and to see status updates.
      7. Click on <Payment Activity> to view the submitted payment.
    2. If the <Save for Later> button is clicked, the data that was previously entered will be saved and the application can be completed later, as described below. The application can be saved at any time and does not necessitate all required fields to be completed.
    3. To access a saved application,
      1. return to the dashboard screen and click on <Action Items>.
      2. Locate the application to be completed and click the <Complete Item> button.
      3. The application screen will open and the previously entered data will be populated, except for attachments and the acknowledgment.
      4. Follow the steps above to complete the application.

Action Items Workflow

Description: Customer responds to requests sent to the applicant by the NJDOT

  1. Customer receives an email requesting one of the following:
    1. Additional Information Requested
    2. License Fee
    3. License Renewal Late Fee
    4. Permit Fee
    5. Permit Renewal Fee
    6. Permit Renewal Late Fee
    7. Violation Fee
  2. The email may have attachments sent by NJDOT. The customer should open and review these attachments.
  3. Login to the Customer Portal and click on <Action Items>.
  4. Click the <Complete Item> button to open the action item details.
    1. If the NJDOT had attached documents, open the documents to review them.
    2. If the action item is for additional information, enter response. If necessary, click the <Select files…> button to attach one or more documents as part of response.
    3. Click the <Submit> button.
    4. If the action item is to complete a payment, click the <Complete Payment> button. The system opens the payment portal. Enter the payment information and complete the payment.
  5. An email is sent to the NJDOT informing them of the response.

Permit Cancellation Workflow

Description: How to request a permit cancellation

  1. Log in and choose Application History from the main dashboard.
  2. Locate the application to be cancelled and click on the permit number to open the Permit Options screen.
  3. Click the <Cancellation> button.
  4. An email is sent to the NJDOT so they can review and approve the cancellation request.
  5. An email is sent to inform the customer that the cancellation has been approved.

Name Change Application Workflow

Description: Customer submits a name change application

  1. Click <Submit Application>.
  2. From the Application Selection Dashboard, click <Name Change>.
  3. Enter the New Dealer name and complete the Acknowledgement and Signature sections of the application.
  4. Click <Submit>.

Permit Transfer Application Workflow

Description: Customer submits a permit transfer application

  1. Click <Submit Application>.
  2. From the Application Selection Dashboard, click <Permit Transfer>.
  3. The applicant information is shown as read-only and cannot be changed on this screen.  This can be changed in the Account-Company Profile option and return to this screen if a change needs to be made.
  4. Enter the permit number(s) to be transferred and the company they are being transferred from.
  5. Click <Select files…> to upload and attach the ‘Company Approval Letter’.
  6. Complete the Acknowledgment by <checking> the two checkboxes.
  7. Complete the Signature section and click the <Complete Payment> button or the <Save for Later> button
    1. If the <Complete Payment> button is clicked, the system verifies the information and saves the information
      1. . The system opens the payment portal and the customer enters the payment information. Once payment is complete, the application is submitted.
      2. The system displays the Application Submitted Success screen.
      3. An email is sent to the customer confirming that the application has been submitted.
      4. An email is sent to NJDOT to inform them that an application has been submitted.
      5. Click the <Return to Dashboard> button to go to the dashboard.
      6. Click on <Payment Activity> to view the submitted payment.
    2. If the <Save for Later> button is clicked, the applicant, permit, and location information data that was previously entered will be saved and the application can be completed later, as described below. The application can be saved at any time and does not necessitate all required fields to be completed.

November 25, 2020 11:23 AM->->->->->->->->->->->->->->->