Department of Transportation



Technical Proposals

The New Jersey Department of Transportation, Bureau of Professional Services, has converted to an electronic technical proposal submission process using Bid Express through Info Tech.

How to View a Solicitation for Technical Proposals

New solicitations for Technical Proposals are posted on the Professional Services website. By clicking on the TP number, consultants will be connected to the Bid Express website where they can download the related New Jersey Department of Transportation TP files.

CLICK HERE to Register and Create an Account with Info Tech for Bid Express.

If you are new to the Electronic Proposal Submission process, please allow at least two (2) weeks to complete the registration and Digital ID authorization process with Info Tech prior to the bid submission date.

CLICK HERE for the Bid Express Quick Start Guide. Anticipated Solicitations Current Solicitations

Shortlistings for 2-Step Projects - Firms who scored in the top 5% of the first step (Technical Proposal evaluation) of a 2-Step Project are listed to proceed with the second step (Oral Presentations) of the 2-step Procurement Process.

Proposals Withdrawn

Statement of Joint Venture Form (9kb pdf)

Construction Inspection Personnel Availability (34kb pdf)

PM and Key Staff Standards for Technical Proposals (295kb pdf)


Confidentiality is of the utmost importance throughout the entire consultant selection process by all parties involved. The results of the CSC meeting and all material regarding the consultant selection process are considered confidential until the Deputy Commissioner approves the selection.

All consultant inquiries regarding the Consultant Selection Process, including, but not limited to, any inquiries concerning projects pending selection, anticipated projects listed on the NJDOT website, or projects not awarded to the consultant asking the question, shall be submitted via e-mail to the Manager, Professional Services for a response.

Last updated date: July 20, 2023 9:09 AM