Department of Transportation

Report Details

The details below pertain to the development of the Crash Summary Reports that provide crash percentages for several categories such as severity, crash type, location, road surface condition and light on any roadway system.

Percentages are computed by the number of crashes in the category described divided by the base (total crashes) times 100. Character positions of the fields described are available in the Master File Layout.

Select those records for the Road System desired (Accident Table, Bytes 246-247) where:

Code Road system
01 Interstate
02 State
05 County
07 Municipal

Total Crashes is the base for all computations.

Severity is based on Total Killed (Accident Table, Bytes 135-136) and Total Injured (Accident Table, Bytes 138-139)
Severity Usage Total Killed Total Injured
% Fatal number of crashes where > 0  
% Injury number of crashes where = 0 > 0
% Property Damage number of crashes where = 0 = 0

Intersection is based on Intersection (Accident Table, Byte 149) and Traffic Controls Present (Vehicle Table, Bytes 121-122)
Intersection Usage Intersection Traffic Control
% At Signalized number of crashes where 'I' '03'
% At Unsignalized number of crashes where 'I' not '02' nor '03'
% Between Intersection number of crashes where 'B'  
% Railroad Crossing number of crashes where 'I' '02'

Collision Types are based on Crash Type Code (Accident Table, Bytes 155-156)
Collision Type Usage Crash Type Code
% Same Direction – Rear End number of crashes where '01'
% Same Direction – Sideswipe number of crashes where '02'
% Angle number of crashes where '03'
% Head On number of crashes where '04' or '05'
% Parked Vehicle number of crashes where '06'
% Left Turn / U Turn number of crashes where '07'
% Backing number of crashes where '08'
% Encroachment number of crashes where '09'
% Overturned number of crashes where '10'
% Fixed Object number of crashes where '11'
% Animal number of crashes where '12'
% Pedestrian number of crashes where '13'
% Pedalcycle number of crashes where '14'
% Non-Fixed Object number of crashes where '15'
% Railcar - Vehicle number of crashes where '16'
% Unknown number of crashes where '00'
% Other number of crashes where '99'

Surface Conditions are based on Surface Condition Code (Accident Table, Bytes 255-256)
Surface Conditions Usage Surface Condition Code
% Dry Surface number of crashes where '01'
% Wet Surface number of crashes where '02' or '06'
% Snow number of crashes where '03'
% Ice number of crashes where '04'
% Unknown number of crashes where '00'
% Other number of crashes where '05', '07', '08' or '99'

Light Conditions are based on Light Condition Code (Accident Table, Bytes 258-259)
Light Conditions Usage Light Condition Code
% Day number of crashes where '01'
% Dusk number of crashes where '03'
% Night number of crashes where '04','05','06' or '07'
% Dawn number of crashes where '02'
% Unknown number of crashes where '00'
% Other number of crashes where '99'

Last updated date: February 25, 2020 9:17 AM