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Professional Services
Question and Answer
For Current Technical Proposals

E-mail question(s) to the attention: Manager of Professional Services, Procurement. Specify "TP # 133 question" in subject line.

Questions will be accepted up to question cut-off date noted in the technical proposal.

Technical Proposal


Question 1: What is the expected duration of the assignment for Lead Bridge Inspector (1)?

Answer 1: Current estimated duration for the Lead Bridge Inspection Position is 26 months subject to change.

Question 2: What is the expected contract completion date?

Answer 2: Completion Date: November, 2019.

Question 3: Solicitation Page 6 states: “For the rated positions noted in the Evaluation Criteria Form, the following criteria will be considered in evaluating the desired project experience:

Duties must be accurately described on the resume in detail and time duration for Bridge CI and Pile Driving must be segregated.

Please provide the references for all project listed on the resume for verification purpose only.

Please clarify –Does the solicitation require references for all projects in addition to the references for the (3) similar projects that are to be listed on page 1 of the resume for the Lead Bridge Inspector (1)?

Answer 3 Please provide references for all projects listed on the resume for verification purpose only.

Question 4: Are references required for the PM?

Answer 4: Yes.

Question 5: Since all projects besides the three referenced projects are now required to have references added for verification, what happens to projects where the reference individual has retired and/or no longer works for the Department/Authority/Firm?

Answer 5: References are required for all the projects listed on resume for Project Manager and Bridge Inspector position.

(The above requirement also applies to three projects required by Section-7).

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  Last Updated:  February 10, 2017