Fact sheets and other information for landowners and preservation partners on farmland preservation and the application process.
GIS Data
DISCLAIMER: Any use of this product with respect to accuracy and precision shall be the sole responsibility of the user. The configuration and geo-referenced location of parcel polygons in this data layer are approximate and were developed primarily for planning purposes. The geodetic accuracy and precision of the GIS data contained in this file and map shall not be, nor are intended to be, relied upon in matters requiring delineation and location of true ground horizontal and/or vertical controls as would be obtained by an actual ground survey conducted by a licensed Professional Land Surveyor.
2003 Strategic Targeting Project - Preliminary Report (13.4 MB)
Standard Deed of Easement Forms
Township of Bethlehem v. State Agriculture Development Committee
Appellate Division decision upholding the SADC's denial of cost-share funds for a development easement acquired for higher than the highest appraised value