Healthy New Jersey

Cannabis Regulatory Commission

Cannabis Smart. Cannabis Safe.

Posted on - 10/31/2023
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Be Cannabis Smart to Stay Cannabis Safe.

As cannabis legalization continues to sweep across the United States, educating the public about responsible and safe use is essential. The New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission (NJ-CRC) has embarked on a state-wide, year-long campaign focused on safeguarding the well-being of kids and adult users. The campaign, "Cannabis smart. Cannabis safe." launched in October and employs billboards on roadways across the state, posters, and digital advertising to promote cannabis safety. The ads are supported by the Safe Use page on the Commission's website. 

Protecting Vulnerable Populations 

The NJ-CRC's year-long campaign focuses on various vulnerable groups in our society. 

  • Kids and teens: Cannabis can harm developing brains, which continue developing until age 25. The NJ-CRC recommends that parents and guardians store cannabis products securely and out of reach, using child-resistant packaging to prevent accidental ingestion. Some campaign ads attempt to appeal to teenagers about staying healthy.
  • Adults using prescription drugs: Cannabis can interact with prescription drugs, leading to potentially harmful outcomes. The NJ-CRC encourages adults on prescription medication to consult their healthcare providers before cannabis use. 
  • Adults who are new to cannabis or who have not consumed it in a long time: The campaign targets new adult users, emphasizing the importance of starting with low doses and opting for less potent products to reduce potential adverse effects. 

Potency Changes and Safe Consumption 

Thanks to advancements in cultivation and processing techniques, cannabis potency has increased significantly over the years. High-potency cannabis products, like concentrates and edibles, are more accessible than ever but can pose some risks – particularly to some people. 

 The NJ-CRC campaign urges consumers to: 

  • Read labels: Check the THC and CBD content on product labels and choose products that align with individual tolerance and experience levels. 
  • Start low, go slow: Begin with small doses and gradually increase, allowing the effects to kick in before taking more. 
  • Be careful with edibles: Edibles often take longer than smoking flower to produce effects. Consumers should wait a few hours for the initial effects before taking more to avoid an adverse reaction. 

The Importance of Proper Storage 

Proper storage is paramount to preventing accidental ingestion, not only by children and pets but also by adults who may unknowingly consume cannabis-infused products. The NJ-CRC advises: 

  • Keep products in their original, child-resistant, labeled packaging. 
  • Store cannabis in a secure, child-resistant container. 
  • Keep products out of reach of children, adolescents, and pets. 
  • Educate household members about the potential dangers of cannabis ingestion and the importance of proper storage. 

Cannabis and Driving 

One of the most critical aspects of cannabis safety is not driving under the influence. The NJ-CRC campaign stresses the following: 

  • Impaired driving: Cannabis impairs cognitive and motor skills. Operating a vehicle under the influence is dangerous. 
  • Legal consequences: ALL impaired driving is illegal – no matter the impairing substance. Violators face penalties such as fines, license suspension, and even imprisonment. 
  • Alternatives: Enjoy your cannabis at home and stay there. If you are out with friends, select a designated driver who will remain sober and unimpaired or use a rideshare service. 

Buying Legal 

With the growing availability of edibles in the market, we are emphasizing the need for consumers to: 

  • Buy from legal dispensaries: Purchasing from licensed and regulated dispensaries ensures product safety and quality. 
  • Carefully read product packaging: Legally packaged products will have detailed dosage and potency information. It's crucial to read and understand this information to prevent overconsumption. 

Our year-long campaign serves as a reminder that legalizing cannabis comes with the responsibility of using it safely. By prioritizing the protection of vulnerable populations, being aware of changes in potency, practicing proper storage, and never driving under the influence, individuals can enjoy the benefits of cannabis while minimizing its potential risks. Education and responsible use will lead to a safer and healthier cannabis landscape in New Jersey and beyond. 

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