New Jersey Historic Trust Affiliated with the Department of Community Affairs

Discover NJ History License Plate Fund

The Discover NJ History License Plate Fund provides small grants (up to $5,000) to develop and promote visitor ready sites as heritage tourism destinations.

The grant program is supported by income from sales and renewals of the Discover NJ History License plate, which was established in 1995 to support historic preservation activities in the State. The plates feature a Victorian-style row house image, from a painting by New Jersey artist Harry Devlin. These beautifully designed plates will remind others that history is always ready to be “discovered” in New Jersey.

Pay a one-time $50 fee ($10 annual renewal) and pick up your “Discover NJ History” plates at any motor vehicle agency or by mail. Personalize your plates with up to five characters for an initial $100 fee ($10 annual renewal). If you are purchasing a car, ask the dealership to order them for you. They are under the "Dedicated Plates" category.

Visit Preserve NJ History for more information and to order your Discover NJ History license plate! 

A message to our Historic Preservation Champions (PDF).

Eligible applicants are:

  • agencies or entities of state, county or municipal government, and
  • nonprofit organizations organized under the New Jersey Nonprofit Corporation Act that qualify for tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue code and are current with their New Jersey Charitable Registration.

  • Visitor and visitor-readiness assessments
  • Initiatives that help to develop and promote visitor-ready sites as heritage tourism destinations
  • Creative, attractive, and professionally designed signage to promote linkages among sites and/or enhance wayfinding
  • Interpretive planning to develop and enhance linkages between sites
  • Websites that are professionally designed, mobile compatible, using the latest technologies
  • Marketing plans and studies
  • Development of performance evaluation measures
  • Training and workshops, including speaker honoraria; and
  • Other activities that are consistent with the goals and objectives of the statewide heritage tourism plan.


If an activity other than those listed above is proposed, please consult Trust staff to determine if it is an eligible activity.

All applicants must read the guidelines thoroughly before submitting the application. The guidelines include important information about eligible applicants and activities, criteria for evaluation, schedule for review, and more. 




Applications will be accepted at any time throughout the fiscal year, July 1 – June 30, until the annual allocation has been exhausted. 

Applications must be received by the following dates to be considered at the subsequent board meeting:
February 1, May 1, August 1, November 1

Applications received after these dates will roll into the next round. The New Jersey Historic Trust Board of Trustees will vote on the grants during their regularly scheduled quarterly meetings. Applicants will be notified in writing of the decision on their request.

Applications must be submitted online. You will receive an email receipt once the application has been submitted.


Below are links to the Word and PDF versions of the application. It is strongly encouraged that you download and complete the application offline before completing the online application.

Discover NJ History License Plate Fund application (Word)

Discover NJ History License Plate Fund application (PDF)


Below is the link to the online application:

Discover NJ History License Plate application (Formsite)


Questions? Contact New Jersey Historic Trust staff at or call (609) 984-0473.


All files are in PDF format.

View the Discover NJ History License Plate Fund awarded projects.