New Jersey Historic Trust Affiliated with the Department of Community Affairs

Emergency Grants and Loans

The Emergency Grant and Loan Program was created to provide small amounts of money for funding emergency work to preserve endangered historic properties.

UPDATE: September 9, 2009 - The Trust has suspended all grants from the Emergency Grant and Loan Program until such time as the funding for this program is replenished. The Trust is still accepting applications for Emergency Loans.

The Emergency Intervention Fund was authorized by P.L. 2016, c. 12, to provide assistance to eligible applicants to address an emergency created by any human-made or natural event that threatens the immediate viability of a historic resource.  Emergency Intervention is defined:

“Emergency intervention” means any activity, including archaeology, that either guides treatment for or any construction activity that restores the immediate stability of a historic property when a situation in which the condition of a property is so damaged by an event such as, but not limited to, a natural disaster, major fire, serious accident, structural collapse, or threat of demolition, that it constitutes an immediate, direct, demonstrable, and severe hazard to the public safety. Treatment may be temporary in nature to prevent worsening of a situation.

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