It was 1862. They organized on the Monmouth Battle Ground; mustered in the United States service near Freehold; and fought on the fields of Maryland where they incurred heavy losses.
This monument was dedicated by the State of New Jersey to commemorate the heroic services of the 14th New Jersey Regiment. Nicknamed the "Monocacy Regiment," the 14th New Jersey was assigned to guard Monocacy Junction for nine months during the winter of 1862 and 1863. They established a winter encampment known as Camp Hooker for that purpose.
The regiment returned in 1864 and was instrumental in delaying the Confederate advance during the Battle of Monocacy, incurring losses of two-thirds of its men - more than any other Union regiment engaged during the battle.
The 14th New Jersey Monument was the first of five monuments to be erected on the battlefield. The dedication ceremony, held on July 11, 1907, was attended by 180 survivors of the regiment.
The monument is constructed of granite and measures about 24 feet high, topped by a sculpture of an infantry soldier. The front of the monument features a Greek cross along with two bronze tablets.
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Phone Number
5201 Urbana Pike, Frederick, MD 21704
Grounds Hours 7:30 a.m. - Sunset
Entrance Fee None
GPS Coordinates
39.377343, -77.395293