Radiation Protection Listservs
The Radiation Protection Element has various listservs that you can join to receive information regarding different program areas in our Element. Feel free to sign up for the listserv that is right for you and your organization. You can unsubscribe from these at any time by following the same links.
- Educational Programs
This listserv is used by the Bureau of X-Ray Compliance to reach out to radiologic technology educational programs to inform them of upcoming public meetings, curriculum changes, regulation changes and other information that affects the program and its students.
- Medical Physicists
This listserv is used by the Bureau of X-Ray Compliance to reach out to medical physicists to inform them of changes to regulations, quality assurance program changes or any change that affects their certifications.
- Agreement State
This listserv is used by the Bureau of Environmental Radiation to reach out to all facilities and interested parties with regards to radioactive materials regulations and any changes.
- X-Ray Facilities
This listserv is used by the Bureau of X-Ray Compliance to reach out to facilities with registered x-ray equipment to inform them of regulation changes and other information that affects facilities and x-ray practices.
- X-Ray Technologists
This listserv is used by the Bureau of X-Ray Compliance to reach out to licensed x-ray technologists to inform them of upcoming renewals, regulation changes and other information that may affect their license.