Machine Source Section
The Machine Source Section administers New Jersey’s inspection program for all radiation therapy, medical diagnostic, dental, industrial, particle accelerators and analytical x-ray equipment within the state. In addition, the section administers the Quality Assurance programs for medical diagnostic and dental CBCT x-ray equipment. The goal of the Quality Assurance program is for facilities to ensure optimal operation of the x-ray equipment in order to achieve high quality diagnostic x-ray images while simultaneously maintaining/reducing patient radiation exposure to acceptable levels. As part of BXC’s inspections, image quality and patient radiation exposure metrics are gathered and evaluated as an indicator of facility performance. The image quality and patient radiation exposure metrics are reported to the facility along with the results of similar facilities performing similar x-ray studies.
BXC’s Dental inspection includes a measurement of entrance skin exposure (ESE). A report is generated and sent to each facility at which an ESE measurement was taken. This report gives the ESE and identifies which category the ESE falls into. The report explains ESE and its determining factors. Facilities with extremely high ESE readings are asked to consult with their image receptor representative or physicist and determine the cause of the extremely high ESE, make changes to reduce ESE, and send a report of their findings and corrective actions to the BXC within thirty days.