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License Renewal Information

If you know your license and invoice numbers, click here to begin the on-line process. If you do not know these numbers, click here and return to this page to start the online process.

  1. How to renew your license:

    • You can renew on-line by following the link above. Please see below for browser requirements and fee information

    • You can mail your renewal to the address located on your invoice. Mailing a renewal may take 6 - 8 weeks to process

  2. Browser Requirements for On-Line Renewal

    • NJDEP Online requires one of the following browsers Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 11, Google Chrome 33 or later or Mozilla Fire Fox version 34 or later to operate correctly. NJDEP Online will not work with Apple Safari, cell phones or tablets. Failure to upgrade to the correct browser version may cause data to display incorrectly and may disable some features. Click here to learn how to verify the version of the browser you are using.

  3. Payment Options and Fees to Renew On-line

    Payment Options: A valid American Express, Discover, Mastercard, or VISA credit card or an “e-check” drawn from a US Bank Account. Debit cards should not be used since often banks will not submit payment. Therefore, your invoice may not be paid and your license not renewed.

    If you provide your e-mail address on the payment screen, you will also receive an e-mail confirmation of payment.
    • If you pay by credit card in addition to the license renewal invoice amount, you will be assessed a nominal convenience fee from NICUSA for using the on-line option. For example: if the invoice is $90, the convenience fee is $2.57. A total of $92.57 will be charged to your credit card.

      These changes will appear separate on your bank statement: As $90 to DEP-Rad Protection and $2.57 to NJ.Gov Service Fee. Please call 609-984-5890, if you have any questions.

    • If you pay by an electronic check (eCheck/EFT) there is no additional fees. Please verify all of the bank information is correct before submitting payment. Payment by electronic check will not result in an e-mail confirmation of payment.

  4. Who is eligible to renew on-line:

    • Any technologist who is not reporting a name change and has not been convicted of a crime of any state or Federal law or has a conviction that was previously reported to the Bureau and were deemed eligible to renew can renew on-line. For additional information regarding a name change click here.

    • If you were convicted of a crime that has not been reported to the Bureau, you need to mail your renewal application.

  5. For a replacement license renewal application or to track your license renewal or for a list of frequently asked questions, click here.

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Last Updated: September 24, 2024