Maps, Graphics & GIS
Interactive Maps

DRBC's ArcGIS Gallery
(click image to view)

An image of DRBC's various interactive maps.

Featured Application:
Hydrologic Conditions Across the Delaware River Basin

Image of the Hydrologic Conditions Dashboard. 

This ArcGIS dashboard of hydrologic data (click image to view) for the Delaware River Basin is updated daily every morning.

Please note that the conditions on this dashboard are only updated once daily and are not to be used for real-time observations.

  • Additional DRBC hydrologic reports

  • USGS Delaware River Dashboard


Featured Application: Map of DRBC Docket and Permit Holders

Image of DRBC dockets on a map.

This map (click on the image to view) shows the location of projects having a current approval from DRBC or those currently engaged in the renewal or one process/opne permit process. 

A single location is used for each project regardless of how many specific withdrawal or discharge locations the project may have. When you select a project, a pop-up menu will provide you with a list of key attributes and a link to a pdf file of the DRBC approval. 

Please note that only projects approved since 1/1/2005 are available for display on the map. The map is currently updated to include projects approved at the December 5, 2024, DRBC Business Meeting.

Learn more about DRBC's project review program






Featured Application: Projecting Extreme Precipitation in the Delaware River Basin

Image for new projection tool. Imzage by the DRBC.

The Projecting Extreme Precipitation in the Delaware River Basin tool (click image to view) released by the DRBC allows users to obtain estimates of future changes in intensity, duration and frequency (IDF) curves throughout the Delaware River Basin.

The curves represent how climate change could impact future rainfall patterns.

Learn more about this interactive tool

Delaware River Basin Maps

All are pdfs, except those marked otherwise.

Illustration of the DRB. Graphic by DRBC. 

 Delaware River Basin

• Basin: select reservoirs/cities/tributaries

• Basin: county boundaries & select cities

Basin: county boundaries & select reservoirs/cities/tributaries

• Basin: county & tidal boundaries, with select reservoirs & cities

 Delaware River Basin w/Major Reservoir Call-out Boxes

Basin without county boundaries

• Basin with county boundaries

• Basin with county boundaries & additional info

• Basin without county boundaries & with storage info (incl. drought emergency storage availability)

• Basin with county boundaries & storage info (incl. drought emergency storage availability) 

 Delaware River Basin: Shaded Relief

• Basin without county boundaries

• Basin with county boundaries

 Delaware River Basin: SubWatersheds/SubRegions

HUC 8 Watersheds within the Delaware River Basin

• Watersheds of the Delaware River Basin

• Physiographic Regions of the Delaware River Basin (jpg)

• Delaware Estuary

• Non-Tidal Delaware River

Lehigh River Watershed

• Christina River Watershed

DRBC Program Areas

All are pdfs, except those marked otherwise.

Map of counties and municipalities in the DRB.

 Water Quality

Special Protection Waters Drainage Area

Special Protection Waters Drainage Area, with Wild & Scenic River sections

DRBC Biomonitoring Program Site Location Map

• DRBC Water Quality Zones by river mileage

• DRBC Water Quality Zones with county boundaries & select cities

• DRBC Delaware Estuary Water Quality Zones

Delaware Estuary Water Quality Monitoring Program Locations & DRBC Water Quality Zones

DRBC Water Quality Monitoring Sites 

 Water Supply/Planning

• Southeastern Pennsylvania Groundwater Protected Area within the DRB

Southeastern Pennsylvania Groundwater Protected Area: included counties/municipalities

 Project Review/Permitting

• DRBC Map of NPDES Permitted Discharge Sites in the Delaware River Basin

• DRBC Map of Surface Water Withdrawals in the Delaware River Basin

 Hydrology/Flow Management

Furthest Upstream Location of the Salt Front during the 1960s Drought of Record

Others by the DRBC

Native Territories in the Delaware River Basin

National Wild & Scenic River Stretches within the Delaware River Basin

U.S. Congressional Districts & Representation in the Delaware River Basin, January 2023

Graphics Gallery

• Illustration/Tourist Map: A Look at the Delaware River Basin (jpg)

Population Served by the Delaware River Basin, 2020 (jpg)

• Total Water Withdrawals in the Delaware River Basin by Sector, 2020 (jpg)

• Land Cover in the DRB, 2019 (jpg; data source: National Land Cover Database)

• Basin: Landcover, 2016 (jpg)

Basin: % Impervious Cover, 2016 (jpg)

Water Management Schematic for the Delaware River Basin (pdf)

Reductions in Top 10 Point Source Dischargers' PCB Loadings 2005-2016 (jpg)

Chlorides at the Delaware River at Trenton - a timeseries (jpg)

Flow Data Bar Charts for select locations, showing 2018 as record year (webpage)

Flow Data Bar Chart for the Delaware River at Trenton, updated for 2023 (jpg)

Flow Data: visualized using R scripts (webpage)

Water Quality Data: visualized using R scripts (webpage)

• Groundwater Well Data for Southeastern Pa. Groundwater Protected Area: visualized using R scripts (webpage)

• DRBC Delaware Estuary Monitoring: Dissolved Oxygen Improvements 1967-2024 (YouTube)

Percent of Groundwater Use in the Delaware River Basin: 1997-2017 (YouTube)

Schuylkill River Discharge per Drainage Area: September 1-5, 2021 (YouTube)

Schuylkill River Discharge Profile: Watch the River Rise & Fall, 8/12/21 - 9/5/21 (YouTube)

Delaware River Discharge Profile: Watch the Non-Tidal River Rise & Fall, 8/12/21 - 9/5/21 (YouTube)

Related Resources

From the DRBC

Water Resource Data

Geographic Information System (GIS) Data

Recreation Maps for the Delaware & Schuylkill Rivers

Mapping Water Resource Landscapes in the DRB

From Outside Sources

• U.S. Geological Survey: How We Monitor & Model Stream Temperature in the Delaware River Basin and Water Science and Management in the Delaware River Basin

Shippensburg University: Delaware River Basin Project

River Runner: this application by web visualization/developer Sam Learner allows you to click on the map anywhere in the U.S. and follow the "drop of water" as it flows through its watershed. This is a great way to visualize a watershed and how rivers and streams are connected.

Big Eddy Narrows: this map by Lisa Glover shows the deepest and narrowest points of the Delaware River (pdf)

Native Land Digital: Native Populations in the Delaware River Basin

Philadelphia Water Department: Archives