Building Capacity for Career Pathways: A Pilot Program for Comprehensive High Schools
Division: Teaching and Learning
Office: Career Readiness
View Published NGO Document (Microsoft Word)
- Project Planning Guide
- High Quality Partnership Agreement Template
- High Quality Partnership Rubric
- CTE Design Framework
- TA PowerPoint
- TA Session Recording
- Technical Assistance Session Questions and Answers
Purpose: The Building Capacity for Career Pathways: A Pilot Program for Comprehensive High Schools is a state-funded pilot program intended to expand the number of Career Pathways for students in grades 9-12 in comprehensive school districts, regional high school districts, and charter schools. Successful applicants will draw upon the expertise of a talent network (established by the NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development); business and industry partners and post secondary institutions. This program will focus on preparing students for careers in high labor market demand occupations which provide family sustaining wages.
Eligible Agencies: Eligibility to apply for this Building Capacity for Career Pathways Grant is limited to comprehensive school districts, regional high school districts, and charter schools serving grades 9-12.
Approximate Number of Awards: 8 | Grant Program Type: Limited Competitive |
Total Amt. Available: $800,000 | Application Due Date: 1/12/2016 |