New Jersey Department of Education

Addressing Student Learning Loss-Competitive

Division: Student Services

Office:  Supplemental Educational Programs

View Published NGO Document (Microsoft Word)


It is the intent of the Addressing Student Learning Loss NGO to significantly reduce students’ learning loss resulting from school closures due to COVID-19 through the implementation of evidence-based interventions that scale-up and enhance existing academic and/or non-academic programs and initiatives that mitigate further learning loss and accelerate academic progress.

The New Jersey Department of Education has established a seventeen month grant program to support projects that implement evidence-based interventions or quality instructional strategies to address student learning loss through additional mathematics and/or English language arts literacy (ELA) instruction; and/or social-emotional learning (SEL) support.

This competitive grant program is open to New Jersey public school districts, including charter schools and Renaissance schools. Each eligible applicant may apply for up to $156,425.

Based on the availability of federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES)/

Elementary and Secondary School Education Relief Fund (ESSER) funds, this seventeen month grant program will begin April 1, 2021 and will end on August 31, 2022.


Eligible Agencies: NJ Public Schools including Charter and Renaissance Schools

Approximate Number of Awards: 16

Grant Program Type: Competitive

Total Amt. Available: $2,502,856 

Application Due Date: 1/21/2021


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