The Office of the Secretary of Higher Education (“OSHE”) would like to advise you of the Notice of Grant Availability published in the NJ Register on May 2, 2022. These notices relate to $400 million in capital facilities grant funding that Governor Murphy announced on November 16, 2021. The grant funding is projected to be released in a competitive joint solicitation in the summer of 2022. Grants to institutions will be funded from four revolving state-backed bond programs (the “Programs”) that support higher education institutions and students. OSHE in collaboration with the New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority (“NJEFA”) pursuant to a Memorandum of Understanding, administers these Programs. The NJEFA issues the bonds that fund these Programs.
Further details can be found in the New Jersey Register.
Higher Education Capital Improvement Fund (CIF): funding to support grants for the cost of renewal, renovation, improvement, expansion, construction and reconstruction of facilities and technology infrastructure at NJ’s four‐year public and private nonprofit institutions; county colleges are not eligible.
Higher Education Equipment Leasing Fund (ELF): funding to support grants to finance the purchase of equipment for lease to institutions at NJ's public and private nonprofit institutions.
Higher Education Facilities Trust (HEFT) Fund: funding to support grants for the construction, reconstruction, development, extension, and improvement of instructional, laboratory, communication, and research facilities at NJ's public and private nonprofit institutions
Higher Education Technology Infrastructure (HETI) Fund: funding to support grants for the acquisition and installation of technology infrastructure within and among NJ’s public and private nonprofit institutions.