Self-advocacy is the worldwide civil rights movement led by and for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Self-advocacy can take on many forms, including voting in local and general elections, participating in your Individual Education Plan and Individual Service Plan meetings, testifying at legislative hearings, and letting people know what you want and how you feel.
New Jersey is home to a thriving advocacy community, including individual self-advocates as well as local, regional and statewide self-advocacy groups and organizations. The Division even has its own self advocacy group called the New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities Self-Advocacy Advisory Committee (SAAC).
Peer-to-Peer Networking Sessions
Hosted by the DDD Office of Education on Self-Directed Services, Peer to Peer Networking Sessions are an opportunity for adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (IDD) who are self-directing some or all their DDD-funded services to meet their peers, share resources and discuss their experiences with self-direction.
Adults with IDD who are self-directing or are interested in learning more about self-direction are welcome to attend.
Next Virtual Peer-to-Peer Networking Session
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 6–7:30 p.m. on Zoom
Register for March 4 Peer-to-Peer Networking Session
View/download the Peer-to-Peer Networking Session flyer
Peer EDUcation Series
Upcoming Webinar
DDD and The Boggs Center are pleased to announce the first Peer EDUcation Series webinar!
This inaugural webinar will include information about the Peer EDUcation Series, as well as insights from adults with disabilities who use their experiences to guide and support others through their work as peer educators. We will also discuss the Personal Preference Program and explore how it can be a helpful resource to people with disabilities in New Jersey.
Join us on March 20 to experience the benefits of peer-to-peer interactions and discover effective strategies for fostering meaningful community connections!
Self-Advocacy Advisory Committee
Established in 2019, the Division of Developmental Disabilities Self-Advocacy Advisory Committee is a professional workgroup of adults with IDD and staff from the Division of Developmental Disabilities, the NJ Council on Developmental Disabilities, and The Boggs Center.
The Committee’s mission is to maintain consistent communication between members of New Jersey’s Self-Advocacy Community and the Division.
The Division is committed to amplifying the voices of self-advocates. The Committee’s collaborative work is done in the spirit of enhancing resources and education and creating meaningful opportunities for stakeholder engagement on behalf of people using services funded by the Division. For more information about the quarterly SAAC meetings, please contact, Family & Advocate Education Liaison.
2025 Self-Advocacy Advisory Council (SAAC) Meeting Schedule
View/download the 2025 SAAC Meeting Schedule (PDF)