Department of Labor & Workforce Development

NJ Labor Department Announces $6 Million Notice of Grant Opportunity to Train Incumbent Frontline Employees


August 13, 2019

TRENTON – The New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development (NJDOL) has announced $6 million in available funding through the UPSKILL: NJ Incumbent Worker Training Grant to help the Garden State’s employers train and develop a highly skilled workforce.

This grant funding will be competitively awarded to New Jersey employers to provide cost reimbursement assistance to train employees to meet the current and future occupational skill requirements of available high wage, middle- and high-skill jobs.

“It is in our state’s best interest – for our current workforce and the workforce of the future – to seed this type of skills training,” said Labor Commissioner Robert Asaro-Angelo. “We want to do our part in helping New Jersey employers upskill their workers through smart work-based learning initiatives.”

This grant is a reimagining of the department’s previously offered Skills Partnership Grant, which has been retooled to be more inclusive and better support the needs of employers, as well as demonstrate long-term sustainability that results in a measurable outcome such as an industry-valued credential that furthers the trainee’s career pathway.

Applications are being accepted from individual employers, employer organizations, labor organizations, community-based organizations, faith-based organizations, and eligible industry-specific consortiums. Individual employers may apply for a maximum $100,000, while industry-specific consortiums may apply for a maximum of $250,000.

For more information, read the full Notice of Grant Opportunity at: https://bit.ly/2P2jSFJ.