FAQs: Hotels, Motels and Multiple Dwellings
- Certificate of Registration
- Transfer of Ownership
- Inspections
- Violations
- Certificate of Inspection aka "Green Cards"
- Condominium, Cooperatives and Mutual Housing Corporations
- Penalties and Judgments
How can I register as the owner of a multiple dwelling/hotel/motel?
Registrations can be completed online utilizing the DCA Service Portal, dynamics365portals.us.
How long does it take to receive the Certificate of Registration?
It takes approximately 3-5 days to process an online registration once received in the Bureau.
What does it cost to register?
There is a $100 per building fee, to be paid by e-check or credit card at the time of your online submission. Additionally, there is an option to mail in your check.
What is an annual registration certification and when is it required to be completed by?
Every property owner is required to complete an annual registration certification to confirm/modify contact information listed on the registration certificate. It is required to be completed online utilizing the DCA Service Portal, dynamics365portals.us, within 60 days of the current certificate’s expiration date.
What does it cost to complete your annual registration certification?
There is a $25 per building fee to be paid by e-check or credit card at the time of your annual registration certification. Additionally, there is an option to mail in your check. This fee is capped at $100 if your property exceeds four buildings
What happens if an owner fails to register or complete your annual registration certification?
Failure to register or complete your annual registration certification will result in the issuance of a Judgment in the amount of $200 and additional Judgments can be entered every 30 days thereafter.
What do I do if I need to make changes on my Certificate of Registration?
Registrations can be updated online utilizing the DCA Service Portal, dynamics365portals.us.
What should I do if a sell my property?
You should notify the Bureau immediately that you are no longer the owner by utilizing the “No longer own property” option on the DCA Service Portal, dynamics365portals.us . Your submission should include the name and address of the new owner and the date of closing.
Am I responsible for an inspection fee bill if I sell my property?
If you were the owner on the date of the inspection, you are responsible for the inspection fee bill.
How often must multiple dwellings, hotels and or motels be inspected?
P.L.2019, c.292 established a tiered inspection schedule for multiple dwellings. Cyclical inspections occur as follows:
- Every seven (7) years for multiple dwellings where no violations were found or where all violations have been abated by the first reinspection on the previous cycle inspection.
- Every five (5) years for multiple dwellings where which all violations were abated by the second or third reinspection. on the previous cycle inspection.
- Every two (2) years for multiple dwellings where all violations were not abated by the third reinspection on the previous cycle inspection.
Otherwise, the Bureau is required to inspect each hotel at least once every 5 years.
If the owner lives at the property, does the owner’s unit have to be inspected?
Yes, the Bureau is required to inspect the entire property.
What is an addendum inspection?
An Addendum is an inspection which takes place in between cyclical inspections. Most often an addendum inspection is performed when a complaint is received, or when an inspector finds violations at the time of the reinspection which did not exist at the time of the cyclical inspection.
How much time does an owner have to correct violations?
The Bureau is required by law to provide 60 days to correct the violations. The 60-day period starts 10 days after the Bureau mails the inspection report via regular USPS mail. If the USPS is unable to deliver the inspection report by regular mail the 60-day period starts the date the inspection notice is posted to the building.
When will a reinspection take place?
The reinspection will take place sometime after the 60 days has expired and as scheduling permits.
Can I request a reinspection before the 60-day period has expired?
You may do so but is must be in writing from the owner of the property. Your request can be emailed to BHICodeComp@dca.nj.gov, mailed to the Bureau of Housing Inspection, PO Box 810, Trenton, New Jersey 08625; or faxed to 609-633-7262.
How do I apply for an extension of time for correcting violations?
Directions for requesting a time extension can be found on the reverse side of the inspection report. Extension requests may be made utilizing the DCA Service Portal, dynamics365portals.us.
Additionally, request can be made in writing and must contain: a list of the violations that have already been corrected; the reason/s why the remaining violations cannot be corrected by the required date; and the expected date by which all violations will be corrected. Extension requests must be submitted two (2) weeks prior to the “Re-inspection” date printed on the inspection report. Requests can be emailed to BHICodeComp@dca.nj.gov, mailed to the Bureau or faxed to 609-633-7262.
Are hotel, motel and multiple dwelling owners responsible for scheduling the five-year cyclical inspection or a reinspection?
No. The Bureau tracks the dates for which cyclical inspections and reinspections are due.
Should I call to schedule a reinspection?
No. A field inspector will schedule an appointment to perform a reinspection of your property.
Is the owner contacted to schedule a reinspection?
The law does not require BHI Inspectors to contact owners prior to conducting a reinspection. However, owner's may make a request for a “please call” notice to be attached to their Inspection report, by contacting the Code Inspections Section at BHIInspections@dca.nj.gov or 609-633-6227. If an inspector is unable to gain entry to your building, he or she will leave a notice so that you can contact them.
What happens if the inspector cannot gain access to the building?
Three attempts will be made by a BHI Inspector to conduct an inspection or a reinspection. After the third attempt the inspector will notify the owner that 3 attempts have been made to perform an inspection of their building, and that on each of these attempts access to the building was not made available and therefore an inspection cannot be performed. The owner will be given 14 days to contact the inspector to schedule the required inspection. Failure on the part of an owner to comply with the Notice will result in the assessment of a monetary penalty.
What do I do if I wish to request an exception to the violation that was cited?
You may file an exception request in writing within 30 days of when the inspection report and orders were delivered and served. Please use the “Application for Exception” form Also refer to the reverse side of the inspection report for further instructions on requesting an exception.
Can I contest the violations?
You may do so by requesting an Administrative Hearing. Hearing requests may be made utilizing the DCA Service Portal, dynamics365portals.us. Your hearing request must be submitted online or in writing and must be postmarked within 15 days after the orders were delivered and served. Be sure to include each issue, factual, legal or procedural, intended to be raised at the hearing, as any issue not so raised shall be deemed to be waived. Refer to the reverse side of your inspection report for further instructions on requesting a hearing.
I was cited to fire rate an apartment entry door. How do I correct this violation?
It depends upon the type of existing entry door. Here are some examples:
Example 1- A hollow core door or doors which do not contain fire rated glass must be replaced with a solid wood door flush at 1 3/4" to 1 3/4" which equals the equivalent of a 15 minute fire rating. Steel doors and any composite type doors without a labeled rating must also be replaced.
Example 2- Raised panel doors may be painted with 2 coats of fire retardant (intumescent) paint on the apartment side of the door, which may require a compatible sealer coat. The owner must sign an affidavit acquired from the State Inspector, as proof of the fire retardant paint being applied to the door. Any other questions about fire rated doors can be answered by Bureau Compliance Officers by calling (609) 633-6229.
How do I get a Certificate of Inspection aka “Green Card”?
A Certificate of Inspection is issued after the property is properly registered, inspections and reinspections have been conducted, all violations are corrected and all fees paid. The Certificate will be available for downloading on the DCA Service Portal, dynamics365portals.us.
If I want to sell my property or refinance my mortgage, do I need a Certificate of Inspection?
No you do not. The Bureau of Housing Inspection is not mandated by law to issue a Certificate of Inspection for this purpose. When an owner contacts the Bureau of Housing Inspection requesting a Certificate of Inspection, the Bureau will do whatever it can to conduct an inspection and/or issue a certificate of inspection. However, it is important to know that it was never the intention of the N.J. Legislature or the function of the Bureau to have inspections conducted for the purpose of completing real estate transactions. The Bureau is neither funded nor equipped to process inspections for properties being sold, nor can it allow inspections, requested for these properties, to delay the inspections of other properties, which have already been scheduled.
Who is responsible for completing an application for a condominium or cooperative?
Since the Bureau considers a Condominium Association or Cooperative as the owner of the property, the Association would list the name of the Association or Cooperative as the owner with a c/o person and mailing address. The In County Agent, Manager, Officers and Registered Agents of the Association or Cooperative are responsible for completing the registration application.
Who is responsible for correcting the violations in the common and exterior area of a Condominium or Cooperative?
The Association is responsible for the correction of all cited violations.
Who is responsible for correcting the violations in the individual units?
Associations and cooperatives are ordered to correct all violations, however, ordinarily they require the individual unit owner to correct the violations in the individual units.
Who is responsible for notifying the owners when the cycle inspection and reinspection will occur?
The Association or Cooperative is responsible for notifying the unit owners.
Can a Townhouse owned in “Fee Simple Ownership” be exempt from Bureau's jurisdiction?
Yes, if certain conditions are met. See “Fee Simple Ownership”.
I receive a penalty, whom should I call?
You should call the Bureau's Compliance Section at (609) 633-6229.
Can a penalty be reduced?
A penalty for non-payment of an inspection fee or reinspection fee cannot be reduced. A penalty for failure to correct the violations can be negotiated by contacting the Bureau Compliance Section at (609) 633-6229.