Topics A-Z
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- Abbott District Education Projects
- Accessibility (Barrier-free)
- Accident/Incident Report –Elevator Devices
- Administrative Rules
- Adopted Codes
- Adopted Rules
- Affordable Housing Guide
- Agency Authorization
- Alarm Systems - Wireless Installation (07/28/16)
- Amusement Rides
- Amusement Ride Complaints
- Amusement Ride Inspection
- Amusement Ride New Ride Review
- Amusement Ride Permits
- Amusement Rides, Permitted, List by Owner
- Amusement Ride Safety Tips
- Amusement Rides, Type-certified, List by Manufacturer
- Annual Backflow Preventer Testing (Model Reminder)
- Annual Inspection, Backflow Preventers
- Annual Inspection, Elevator Devices
- Annual Pool/Spa/Hot Tub Inspection (Model Notice)
- Annual Inspection, Swimming Pools, Spas, Hot Tubs
- Apartment Buildings
- Apartment Inspection
- Apartment Registration
- Application, Asbestos Safety Control Monitor Authorization
- Application, Asbestos Safety Technician Certification
- Application, Carnival/Amusement Ride Individual Approval
- Application, Carnival/Amusement Ride Permit
- Application, Carnival/Amusement Ride Type Certification
- Application, Carnival/Amusement Ride Variation
- Application, Certificate
- Application, Construction Permit
- Application, Construction Project Review
- Application, Elevator Device Registration
- Application, Hotel/Multiple Dwelling Registration
- Application, Lead Hazard Abatement Contractor
- Application, Lead Hazard Evaluator Contractor
- Application, LPGas Marketer’s License
- Application, New Home Builder Registration
- Application, New Home Builder Registration Renewal
- Application, Plan Review
- Application, Plan Review –LPGas System
- Application, UCC Variation
- Asbestos Hazard Abatement Subcode
- Asbestos & Lead Abatement Programs
- Asbestos Removal, Public Buildings
- Asbestos Removal, Schools
- Assisted Living Projects, Plan Review of
- Backflow Preventers, Testing of
- Barrier Free Subcode
- Best Practices Standards, School Construction
- Bluebook (UCC)
- Boarding Homes, Inspection Reports
- Boarding Homes, Rooming Houses, Residential Health Care Facilities
- Board of Appeals, Construction Code
- Bonding & Grounding, Certificates for Swimming Pools, Spas, Hot Tubs
- Builder Registration (New Home Warranty)
- Building (Construction) Permits
- Building Design Services Act (see NJSA 45:4B-7)
- Building Inspector and Subcode Official Continuing Education
- Building Inspector License
- Building Subcode Official License
- Building Subcode Technical Section
- Building Subcode
- Bulletins
- Bureau of Construction Project Review
- Bureau of Homeowner Protection
- Bureau of Housing Inspection
- Bureau of Rooming and Boarding House Standards
- Carbon Monoxide Detectors, Expansion to all [Use] Groups (page 11)
- Carbon Monoxide Detectors in Hotels and Multiple Dwellings
- Carnival-Amusement Ride Safety Unit
- Carnival Ride Permit
- Certificate
- Certificate of Inspection, Hotel and Multiple Dwellings
- Certificate of Occupancy, Application for
- Certificate of Occupancy –Local Code Enforcement
- Certificate of Occupancy –State Buildings
- Certificate of Registration, Hotels & Multiple Dwellings
- Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles, A Homeowner's Guide
- Child Care Centers
- Claims,New Home Warranty
- Class A, B, C, D, E & F Rooming/Boarding Homes
- Code Administration, Housing Inspection
- Code Advisory Board
- Code Assistance
- Code Compliance, Housing Inspection
- Code Enforcement Courses, UCC
- Code Enforcement, Hotels & Multiple Dwellings Inspections
- Code Interpretation, Housing Inspection
- Code Interpretation, UCC
- Code of Ethics (Standard of Professional Behavior)
- College Courses, Construction Code License
- COMcheck
- Complaints against Construction Officials
- Complaints against Housing Inspectors
- Complaints against Landlords
- Complaints against Local Code Officials
- Complaints against Private Warranty Plans
- Compliance, Hotels & Multiple Dwellings
- Concrete Testing, 09-16-09
- Condominiums –Associations
- Condominiums, Conversion Information
- Condominiums, Registration & 5-yr. Inspections
- Construction Boards of Appeals
- Construction Code Communicator
- Construction Code Inspection
- Construction Code Interpretation
- Construction Code Regulations
- Construction Officials, Training
- Construction Permit Application Packet and Related Forms
- Construction Permits, General Information
- Construction Permits, Local Code Enforcement
- Construction Permits, State Buildings
- Construction Plan Review
- Construction Project Review, Bureau of
- Construction Reporter, The NJ
- Construction Statistics
- Consumers' Guide to New Home Warranty in NJ
- Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRC)
- Continuing Education, UCC Licensing
- Continuing Education Seminars
- Contractor Certification, Lead Hazard
- Cooperatives, Housing
- COVID-19 Related Info
- Dedication of Revenue - Fees for Uniform Construction Code Enforcement
- Demolition Bond Act/Loans
- Digital Signature and Seal
- Architects (05/22/17 memo)
- Engineers (02/24/16 memo)
- Disclosure Act Packet (PRED)
- Docketed Judgments or Judgments –Elevator Safety
- Docketed Judgments or Judgments –Housing Inspection
- Dumbwaiter Inspection
- Dumbwaiter Registration
- Educational Facilities Plan Review
- Education Unit, Code Officials
- Electric Vehicles
- Electrical Inspection
- Electrical Inspector and Subcode Official Continuing Education
- Electrical Inspector License
- Electrical Subcode Official License
- Electrical Subcode Technical Section
- Electrical Subcode
- Electronic Communication w/Plan Review Applicants, 11-10 Alert
- Electronic Permit Applications, Acceptance of
- Elevation Contractors:
- Elevation of Homes with a Substantial Damage Determination
- Elevator Device Registration
- Elevator Inspection
- Elevator Inspector and Subcode Official Continuing Education
- Elevator Inspector License
- Elevator "Routine (6-month) Inspections" Eliminated
- Elevator Subcode Official License
- Elevator Subcode Technical Section
- Elevator Subcode Technical Section - Multiple Devices
- Elevator Subcode
- Emergency Building Inspection Progam: a Timely Reminder Issues
- Emergency Rule Adoptions
- Energy Subcode
- Enforcement, Hotels & Multiple Dwellings
- Enforcement, Rooming & Boarding Houses
- Enforcement, Uniform Construction Code (UCC)
- Escalator Inspection
- Escalator Registration
- Ethics, Code of (Standard of Professional Behavior)
- Evictions, Landlord/Tenant
- Evictions, Multiple Dwellings
Factory-built Structures, Modular
Factory-built Structures, Manufactured Homes
Farm Labor Accommodations, Seasonal
* April 17, 2023 guidance/information
* May 29, 2020 guidance/information
* February 04, 2020 guidance/information
* March 07, 2019 guidance/information
Fire Alarm Transmission Channels & Managed Facilities (MFVNs)
Fire Protection Inspection
Fire Protection Inspector and Subcode Official Continuing Education
Fire Protection Inspector License
Fire Protection Subcode License
Fire Protection Subcode Technical Section
Fire Protection Subcode
Fire Sprinkler Hydraulic Data Plate
Flak Jacket (Weyerhaeuser TJI Joists) Protection - Guidance
Flood Recovery Information
Formal Technical Opinions (FTO's)
Framing Checklist
Fuel Gas Subcode
Healthcare Facilities Plan Review
Hearing Requests, Hotels & Multiple Dwellings
HHS/RCS/ICS Licensing (UCC)
Home Elevation Contractors
* Home Elevation Contractor Certification
* Home Elevation - UCC Adopted Amendments
* Memo to Construction Officials
* Notice from the Division of Consumer Affairs
* P.L. 2014,c.34
* Pile Certification
Home Improvement Contractors FAQ's
Homeowner Protection, Bureau of
Homeowner's Guide to Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
Homeowner’s Warranty
Hospitals & Nursing Homes, Plan Review
Hotel & Multiple Dwelling Inspector Licensing
Hotel Inspection
Hotel Registration
Housing Inspection, Bureau of
Hurricane Recovery Information
HVACR Licenses
Indoor Air Quality (NJDOH)
Infill Development Standards and Policy Guidance
Inspections, Annual -Backflow Preventers
Inspections, Annual -Elevator Devices
Inspections, Annual -Swimming Pools, Spas, Hot Tubs
Inspections, Construction –State Buildings
Inspections, Construction –UCC Regional Offices
Inspections, Elevator Devices
Inspections, Hotel & Multiple Dwellings
Inspection Reports, Rooming and Boarding Home Licensed Facilities
Inspections, Rooming & Boarding Homes
Inspections, Ski Lifts
Installation of Renewable Energy Systems, 02-04-09 Alert
Installation of Renewable Energy Systems, 12-02-09 Alert
Installation of Solar Photovoltaic Power, 07-23-10 Alert
International Code Council (ICC) Codes, Free Access to
* New Jersey Editions
Investigations Unit, Regulatory Affairs
Issue: Outdoor Wood Boilers
Landscape Irrigation Contractors
Lead Safety
* Abatement
* Contractor Licensing/Certification
* P.L. 2007, c.251 Information
* Paint Inspections in Rental Dwelling Units
Licensing, Boarding Homes
Licensing, Building Inspector or Subcode Official
Licensing, Construction Official
Licensing, Electrical Inspector or Subcode Official
Licensing, Elevator Inspector or Subcode Official
Licensing, Fire Protection Inspector or Subcode Official
Licensing, Hotel & Multiple Dwelling Inspector
Licensing, Mechanical Inspector
Licensing, Plumbing Inspector or Subcode Official
Licensing, Rooming Houses
Licensing, Subcode Official
Licensing, Uniform Construction Code
Life Care Communities
Liquefied Petroleum Gas Facilities
Local Code Inspections, Office of State and
Local Review of School Plans
LPGas Inspection
LPGas Inspectors
Lumber Stamps - ALSC
* 07/28/2022 info
* 05/11/2020 info
Major Structural Defects
Manufactured/Mobile (HUD) Homes
Mechanical Inspection Technical Section
Mechanical Inspector License
Mechanical Subcode
Minor Work ("permit-lite," see NJAC 5:23-2.17A)
* Guidance issued 03/05/2018
* Spring 2018 CCC articles
Modular Buildings, Complaints
Mold Information (NJDOH)
Motel Inspection
Motel Registration
Moving Walk Inspection
Moving Walk Registration
Multiple Dwelling Inspection
Multiple Dwelling Inspector License
Multiple Dwelling Registration
Municipal Assistance, UCC
Municipal Monitoring
Municipal Procedures
New Home Warranty Program, Builder Information
New Home Warranty Program, Consumer Information
New Jersey Home Builders List
New Jersey Construction Reporter
Newsletter, Construction Code Communicator
Non-Residential Development Fee
* Reinstitution, effective 7-1-2013
* Tax Assessor Memo and Form
Northern Regional Office, Local Code Enforcement
Notice of LPGas Installation
Office of Local Code Enforcement, Northern Reg’l Office
Office of Local Code Enforcement, Southern Reg’l Office
Office of Regulatory Affairs
One-and Two-Family Dwelling Subcode
Online UCC Annual Report
Ongoing Inspections, Backflow Preventers
Ongoing Inspections, Elevator Devices
Ongoing Inspections, Swimming Pools, Spas, Hot Tubs
Operator License (Rooming/Boarding House/Residential Health Care Facilities)
Ordinary Maintenance (No permit, see NJAC 5:23-2.7)
* Guidance issued 03/05/2018
* Spring 2018 CCC articles
Outdoor Wood Boilers, 06-03-09 Issue
Owner License (Rooming/Boarding House/Residential Health Care Facilities)
Park Models
Periodic Inspections, Backflow Preventers
Periodic Inspections, Elevator Devices
Periodic Inspections, Swimming Pools, Spas, Hot Tubs
Permit Applications, Electronic Acceptance
Permit, Carnival-Amusement Ride
Permit, Construction
Permit Extension Act
* P.L. 2008, c.78
* as amended by P.L. 2009, c.336
* as amended by P.L. 2012, c.48
* as amended by P.L. 2014, c.84
* as amended by P.L. 2016, c.14
Permit, When Required (as of 03/05/18)
* Decommissioning Update (04/13/2020)
Permitted Rides by Owner, Listing of
Pile Certification
Plan Review
Plan Review Fee Schedule
Planned Real Estate Development (PRED)
Playground Safety Subcode
Plumbing Inspection
Plumbing Inspector and Subcode Official Continuing Education
Plumbing Inspector License
Plumbing Subcode Official License
Plumbing Subcode Technical Section
Plumbing Subcode
Pool Bonding & Grounding, Periodic Inspections and Certificates
Pre-manufactured Construction (Modular)
Pre-manufactured Construction (Manufactured)
Private On-site Agency Authorization
Program Manual for Technical Assistants
Propane –Education
Propane –Inspection
Propane –Licensing
Propane Service Certification
Proposed Rules
Protected Tenancy
Public Housing & Development Authority
Public Offering Statement
Public Pool Safety
Public Schools Plan Review and Inspection
Radon Subcode
RCMT Program
Recognized Certified Maintenance Technician
Records –Housing Inspection
Recreational Park Trailers, A Guidance Document
Registration –Elevator Devices
Registration –Hotels
Registration –LPGas Systems
Registration –Motels
Registration –Multiple Dwellings
Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Rehab Subcode –Copies
Rehab Subcode –Questions
Rehabilitation Subcode –Copies
Rehabilitation Subcode –Questions
Relocation Assistance
Renewable Energy Systems (02-04-09)
Renewable Energy Systems (12-02-09)
Renter’s Rights
Requests for Proposals, UCC and Multiple Dwelling Continuing Education Seminars
Resale Inspections, Local Ordinances (CO letter 6-20-2012)
Residential Health Care Facilities, Boarding Homes, Rooming Houses
Residential Health Care Facilities, Inspection Reports
Residential Site Improvement Standards
Retirement Communities
Rides, Permitted, List by Owner
Rides, Type-certified, List by Manufacturer
Rooming and Boarding House Standards
Rooming Houses, Boarding Homes, Residential Health Care Facilities
Rooming Houses, Inspection Reports
Routine and Periodic Inspections, Backflow Preventers
Routine and Periodic Inspections, Elevator Devices
Routine and Periodic Inspections, Swimming Pools, Spas and Hot Tubs
RRP Rules
Rule Adoptions
Rule Proposals
Sandy Information, Superstorm
Satellite Dish Antenna Installations, 06-23-10 Alert
School Construction, Best Practices Standards
School Plan Review and Inspection
Seasonal Elevator Device Registration
Seasonal Farm Labor Accommodations
* April 17, 2023 guidance/information
* May 29, 2020 guidance/information
* February 04, 2020 guidance/information
* March 07, 2019 guidance/information
Security Deposits
Seminars, UCC Continuing Education
Senior Citizen Protected Tenancy Act
Shelters, Homeless –Code
Shelters, Homeless –Evaluation
Shelters, Homeless –Inspection Reports
Shelters, Homeless –Licensing
Site Improvement Standards
Smoke Alarm and Carbon Monoxide (CO) Alarm Compliance
Smoke Detector Requirements –Hotels, Motels, Multiple Dwellings
Solar Photovoltaic Power
Southern Regional Office, Local Code Enforcement
Special Inspector Certification
Stairway Chairlift Inspection
Stairway Chairlift Registration
Standard Forms, UCC
State Buildings, UCC Plan Review, Construction Permits, Certificates of Occupancy
State-Local Cooperative Housing Inspection Program
Storm Recovery Information
Structural Concerns in Existing Buildings (July 2021)
Subcode Official Continuing Education
Subcode Official Licensing
Subsidized Housing, List of
Swimming Pools & Spas - Plan Review & Inspections
Swimming Pool Safety
Technical Assistant Certification Program
Technical Assistants, Program Manual for
Technical Assistance –Construction Code
Technical Assistance –Hotel & Multiple Dwelling Law
Technical Assistance –PermitsNJ
Technical Assistance –UCCARS
Telecommunications Wiring & Fire-rated Assemblies, 03-05-09 Alert
Tenants Rights
Tents & similar structures, Permits for (UCC & UFC)
Testing of Backflow Preventers
Third-Party Inspection Agency
Trailer Parks/Mobile Homes
Training, Uniform Construction Code
Transfer of Ownership –Elevator Devices
Transfer of Ownership –Hotels/Motels
Transfer of Ownership –Multiple Dwellings
Truth-in-Renting Act
Truth-in-Renting Booklet
Truth-in-Renting Booklet, Spanish version
Type-certified Rides, List by Manufacturer