Offices & Programs
Housing Assistance
The Housing Assistance office oversees programs that prevent homelessness and help people move out of temporary shelters and into stable, permanent housing. The office administers housing assistance programs such as the Homelessness Prevention Program (HPP), the Housing Choice Voucher Section 8 Program (Section 8) and the State Rental Assistance Program (SRAP).
(609) 292-4080
- Family Self-Sufficiency
- Shelter Support/Emergency Housing Grant
- Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher
- State Rental Assistance Program
- Section 8 Single Room Occupancy (SRO) - Moderate Rehabilitation
- Section 8 Homeownership Program
- Supportive Housing Connection (SHC)
- Landlord/Tenant
Office of Homelessness Prevention
The Office of Homelessness Prevention (OHP) coordinates efforts to prevent homelessness among State and local agencies and private organizations that provide services to persons who are homeless or at risk for homelessness. The office has both programmatic and research and evaluation capacities, which are operationalized to assess State and local homelessness prevention services and to develop and deploy innovative programs and resources that address and support the evolving needs of persons in the State who are homeless or at risk for homelessness.
(609) 930-1901
Office of Eviction Prevention
The Office of Eviction Prevention oversees programs and services in eviction prevention and diversion, including rental assistance programs, social services support, and expanding access to counsel to low-income tenants facing or threatened with eviction. The Office also handles general inquiries about landlord-tenant rights and responsibilities, and publishes the bi-annual Truth in Renting Guide. The Office works closely with non-profit community-based organizations in disseminating information about resources and providing direct outreach to at-risk tenants.
Hotline: (609) 376-0810
Housing Production
The Housing Production office assists in the development of affordable housing units for income-eligible families.
Contact: Lorissa Luciani
(609) 777-4161
- Neighborhood Preservation Balanced Housing
- HOME - CHDO Production (Community Housing Development Organizations)
- HOME Housing Production Investment Fund
Energy Assistance
Energy Assistance: Low-Income eligible households that are having a difficulty paying their heating and cooling bills can contact this office for financial assistance and help in weatherizing their homes.
(800) 510-3102
- Home Energy Assistance (HEA & LIHEAP)
- Universal Service Fund (USF)
- Weatherization Assistance (WAP)
- Lead Assistance Programs
- Winter Termination Program
Community Services
The Community Services office provides Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) funding to provide funds to help alleviate the causes and conditions of poverty in communities with health, education, employment, and housing needs. This Office also manages the Individual Development Account program which works toward empowering working families to save money to buy a home, create a business, or attend higher education as well as two Office of Recreation grants.
Contact: Kate Butler, Administrator
- Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Discretionary and Non-Discretionary
- New Jersey Individual Development Accounts (IDA)
- Office of Recreation - ROID and Athletics (For Individuals with Disabilities)
- Legislative Grants and Aid
For additional information, call Lisa Costello at 609-292-0631 or email her at
Neighborhood Programs
The Neighborhood Programs office administers a mix of state and federally funded neighborhood-based programs. The Small Cities Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) is a federally funded program that provides grant funds to non-entitlement municipal and county governments for housing rehabilitation, public capital improvement projects and economic develop projects that benefit low income people. The State’s Neighborhood Revitalization Tax Credit Program provides community based non-profit groups with corporate funding for implementing neighborhood revitalization plans. Activities undertaken with these funds include low income housing, economic development, supportive services, improvements to streetscape and public open space, and community outreach activities.
Contact: Bradley Harrington
- Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) & CDBG Disaster Recovery (Irene)
- Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP)
- Neighborhood Revitalization Tax Credit (NRTC)
- Neighborhood Preservation Program (NPP)