Rehabilitation Subcode
Common sense rules for the restoration and re-use of existing buildings in New Jersey.
The Rehabilitation Subcode was developed by the Department of Community Affairs with guidance from a 30-member committee under the coordination of the Center for Urban Policy Research at Rutgers University. The Committee was composed of code officials, fire officials, architects, historic preservationists, advocates for people with disabilities, and government representatives.
The Committee met over two years and approved the draft document at its final meeting on January 31, 1997. Department staff then made the draft a proposal, which was published in the New Jersey Register on August 18, 1997.
Two public hearing were held. Comments were received and discussed and some clarifications and improvements to the proposed document were made. The adoption of the Rehabilitation Subcode was published in the New Jersey Register on January 5, 1998.
The Rehabilitation Subcode is the first comprehensive set of code requirements for existing buildings. It is a stand-alone subchapter and, therefore, it contains all the technical requirements that apply to a rehabilitation project. This is an important concept.
The Rehabilitation Subcode is a technical part of the Uniform Construction Code and, therefore, has no provisions governing permits. This does not mean that permits are not required. In fact, the provisions for permits and other administrative procedures are where they have always been, in Subchapter 2 of the Uniform Construction Code, and work that required a permit before the adoption of the Rehab Subcode, requires a permit now. This is discussed in more detail in the section on Administrative Requirements.
** Background and Guidance
** 1999 Innovations in American Government Award
** Categories of Work and Applicable Requirements
** Informational Kit
** UCC Rehabilitation Subcode Rules, NJAC 5:23-6
** Code Change Proposal Form